Ingrid Ahlgren

East Greenwich, RI

Professional Experience

The best way to describe me is a worldly wordsmith. I was born in Asia, and I've been traveling ever since. In the past, I have worked as a researcher at National Geographic Traveler magazine in Washington, D.C. and as a writer at in New York. Currently, I am a freelance writer and editor based in Rhode Island. I have an MA in print journalism (magazine writing emphasis) from the University of Missouri, an MFA in Fiction Writing from the University of Virginia, and a BA in Comparative Literature from Brown University.


Copy Editor
10 Years
10 Years
10 Years


Books & Literature
3 Years
Business (general)
3 Years
10 Years


Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
2 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
1 Year
Online/new media
2 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

12 Years

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Arrangements Abroad (10+)

Other Work History

Academic Arrangements Abroad, communications manager, January 2010-August 2010, staff writer, April 2007-January 2009. National Geographic Traveler, researcher, May 2005-March 2007

Foreign Language Skills

Spanish (fluent), Italian (basic conversational) and Swedish (basic)


Freelancers Union

Computer Skills

Word, Excel, Quark Copy Desk (working knowledge), LexisNexis, HTML (basic skills), PC and Mac, content management systems and blogging


laptop computer, digital camera

Work Permits & Visas

U.S. Citizen


Available upon request


Kappa Tau Delta journalism honor society; Missouri "Washington Program" scholarship recipient; Henry Hoyns Fellow in Creative Writing (UVA); Phi Beta Kappa


Career Advice

Foreign language skills can give you an edge as you're applying for international development jobs or consulting gigs, and they may even affect your pay. But, which languages are in high demand -- apart from English, which most aid groups require applicants to speak fluently?
You already work in international development but want to switch to another type of aid organization? You've been a humanitarian aid consultant but want to change pace? You're a nurse who wants to work in global health?
Getting ready for a international development job interview? Although it is impossible to know exactly which topics will come up during the conversation, thinking about answers to some common questions ahead of time will help you be prepared and do well during the interview.
Customs may differ around the world and among employers, but there's one factor to landing a staff or consulting gig in international development, humanitarian aid and global health that tends to be universal: the job interview. Here's how to ace that face-to-face.
Meeting with a recruiter face to face is not always possible in the fields of international development, humanitarian aid and global health. Here's how to ace that phone interview -- whether you're a college graduate or experienced individual consultant.
You're in the running for an amazing international development job, and the question of compensation comes up. What do you do?
In development, soft skills can just as easily come into play during challenges in the field as when navigating office politics.
Dressing for business meetings or job interviews can be a challenge for globe-trotting, culture-hopping aid workers. True, the dilemma is common in any industry -- but it is especially tricky in one that covers a diverse range of organizations and regions, such as international development.
There is no clear path to securing the title of "innovator" beside one's name, but the need for new and improved development ideas isn't going anywhere, and neither are the positions to facilitate them. In fact, the increasing number of innovation positions in global development require candidates
There's more to international development than managing aid projects. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities for job seekers with all kinds of backgrounds, whether you're a communications guru, an international trade expert or a technology maven.
If you're looking to work in international development, you don't have to move to a global development hub such as Washington, New York or even Nairobi, Kenya.
You're interviewing for an international development job, and the recruiter gives you the opportunity to ask a few questions. So, what should you ask?
Tips for drafting a winning European CV
Although it can be difficult to break into the global development business, professionals with private-sector work experience are increasingly sought-after by aid organizations eager to prove value for money.
International development is about improving the lives of the world's poor. It's also a global industry with needs in the areas of business, finance, accounting and management – and ample opportunity for job seekers with a business degree
What are the best way to fill your time - and the best activities to include on your resume - while you look for that perfect position?
Career article about transitioning from the private sector to government.

Business, Finance & Law

Sacramento area banks offer more than just transactions.
There's a lot of legal hubbub in California surrounding Property-Assessed Clean Energy programs. Also known as PACE, the programs could be headed for troubled waters.
Interview with Jill Lester, CEO of The Hunger Project, for international development website
Competition between banks in the Sacramento area heats up.
An aging work force comes back around.
Attorneys see an upswing in loan workouts.
Business woes create a fast-growing legal niche.

Books, Literature & Literacy

A review of Melissa Bank's new book, The Wonder Spot.
Book review of William Powers' memoir of his time as an aid worker in Liberia.
This medical study looks at how health care professionals can help low-income children obtain literacy skills. picked up a quote from a book review of 102 Minutes. I wrote the review for the Providence Journal in January of 2005.
Personality profile of an eccentric local author/artist
An interview with poet & writer Rafael Campo

Travel & Lifestyle

Samples of social media posts and a blog post for educational/cultural travel company Arrangements Abroad.
Text describing photographs taken by National Geographic Traveler's photo contest winners
A look at a group of hula dancers in Central Missouri
Panda conservation in Chengdu, China
A look at kite fighting around the world.


This article discusses how students can take a "gap year." It includes specifics for Foreign Service families considering this option.

Art & Design

Industrial Sculptural Lighting from Omega Lighting Design
Design-minded musicians build quality string instruments out of cigar boxes and cookie tins.
Inspired vintage lighting for the dramatically inclined.
The founder of Thornwillow Press assembles a curiosity cabinet of goods for book lovers.