The fact that you’re reading this probably means you’re at least considering whether it’s time to leave your job. While the decision to stay or go is a very personal one—one that shouldn’t be made lightly—there are a few red flags that may help you determine if it’s time to freshen up the resume and head to the job boards. Read on.
1. You’re no longer learning.
You’ve mastered everything there is to know about your position—be it as a junior account executive or social media coordinator. You’re fast, efficient and mainly cruise-control your way through the day. You’ve gotten so good at what you do because it’s all you do. Have you not been given new tasks or challenges to tackle? More importantly, have you asked to take on more? Showing initiative and a desire to do more is how you can grow in any role.
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If there’s a legit lack of learning opportunities—and you’re bored doing the same thing day after day—it may be time to move on.
2. You can’t move up, or you don’t want to.
Maybe you’ve been a photo assistant for a while. Your duties have changed, but your title has not. Nor, for that matter, has your salary. It may be the case that no matter how good your work is, the positions above yours won’t be vacated any time soon. Or perhaps you’ve been passed over for a promotion. If you want to make it to the next level, you might just have to do it with a new organization.
Or maybe it’s you. If moving into a new role doesn’t appeal to you, the company you’re working for might not be the right one for you.
3. Company cha-cha-cha-changes.
Mergers, acquisitions, restructurings: These are often make-or-break moments not only for the company, but also for its employees. A change of ownership or department overhaul may result in an unwanted change of culture, a new boss, the loss of a mentor or being handed projects that no longer interest you.
Bottom line is changes can bring exciting new possibilities—or they can leave you in the cold.
4. The business is hanging by a thread.
Your role might be a dream, but the rumors you’ve been hearing are becoming more substantial by the day: The company is in trouble.
If you suspect your employer is not going to make it to the next year, better to start looking for a new job while you still have your old one.
5. You’ve reached the burnout stage.
Is your job the primary relationship in your life? Are your mornings colored by the dread of heading off to another day at the office? Do you get headaches or colds more often now than you used to?
If you can’t work with your boss to adjust your schedule or workload, moving on may be the best choice—for your health and, in the long run, your career. It may seem like getting off the hamster wheel will interrupt your career trajectory, but, unburdened by your responsibilities, you may gain a clarity of perspective that could move your career goals forward, or in another direction entirely.