Here at Scouted, we talk with a lot of candidates and help them with interview prep to help them feel ready for the big day. One of the things we always remind our candidates is that in a job interview, they’re not the only one being interviewed. That’s right. Not all the pressure is on you! Besides asking questions about the office you might work in someday (which you should do) we made a list of some other things to be aware of. Read the post below and keep your eyes open for some telling office “body language” that may tell you if it’s the place for you or not.

8 Things You Should Pay Attention to When Interviewing For a Job

Here at Scouted, we talk with a lot of candidates and help them with interview prep to help them feel ready for the big day. One of the things we always remind our candidates is that in a job interview, they’re not the only one being interviewed. That’s right. Not all the pressure is on…