How many times a day do you check your Instagram? (If you said less than three, you’re lying. But we digress.) Want to feel a little less guilty about your IG addiction? Start following these 10 Instagram accounts to add some career-fuel to your feed between the #foodporn and puppy accounts.
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1. @Adweek
Covering breaking news and trends in media, marketing, advertising and technology, this is the ad industry’s go-to IG account, featuring everything within Adweek’s pages and beyond.
2. @Evachen212
Former Lucky editor in chief turned head of fashion partnerships for Instagram, Eva Chen gives her followers an inside look into everything New York, fashion and Facebook. (Plus, you know you’ve stalked #EvaChenPose on IG.)
A photo posted by Eva Chen (@evachen212) on
3. @thefatjewish
Josh “The Fat Jewish” Ostrovsky is behind the laugh-out-loud graphics that flood your Instagram feed. And as a marketing or media pro, you know the power of a REALLY good meme, right?
A photo posted by thefatjewish (@thefatjewish) on
4. @iboommedia
A team of social media specialists, iboommedia helps customers see social media results and build social audiences. Their Instagram account is filled with helpful tips, tricks and stats that any social media marketer could use.
5. @businessinsider
Click “follow” on Business Insider’s account to receive your daily dose of breaking news, media coverage and office tips and tricks.
A photo posted by Business Insider (@businessinsider) on
6. @suebzimmerman
Sue Zimmerman and her team help brands find success on Instagram. Her IG profile’s feed is filled with inspiring quotes, a look into their clients and up-to-date info on marketing events, workshops, classes and more.
A photo posted by The INSTAGRAM Expert is #Sue? (@suebzimmerman) on
7. @richardbranson
Virgin Group founder and world-renowned entrepreneur Richard Branson fills his Instagram with event photos, adventure shots and insight into his billion-dollar mind.
8. @prnews
This feed is naturally public-relations heavy, but the funny memes, motivational quotes, industry event photos and media stats would be helpful to any media pro.
Trying to stay up to speed with everything happening at #SXSW? Follow these four hashtags!
A photo posted by @prnews on
9. @360i
This award-winning global digital agency gives its Instagram followers a behind-the-scenes look into its team, its clients, and the industry these professionals thrive in.
360 degrees of awesome. @advertisingage #AListers 4 years straight #proud
A photo posted by 360i (@360i) on
10. @mediabistro
Shameless self-promotion time: We’re on Instagram! Follow our Instagram feed for career advice, contests and giveaways, digital mentorship from media pros, and a deeper dive into the Mediabistro community.