Skills & Expertise

Get Closer to the Job You Want with One Simple Sentence

Write a career vision statement to put your goals—and your targeted position—within reach

When you’re looking for a job, between networking, searching the job boards and, if you currently have a job, staying on top of your workload, you can feel tapped out for time.

But that doesn’t mean you should sit back and take whatever comes at you, be it a new job or duties at your current gig.

Keep in control of your career by writing a vision statement. With so many paths you can take in media, it’s helpful to have a guiding light that keeps you from veering off in a direction that’s misaligned with your passions and talents.

A vision statement can help you during your job search or freelance career, too. By having the goals of your personal brand intact, you’ll only take on opportunities that nurture your growth and authenticity.

So what makes a strong vision statement? First, it should be motivational. It should state the “why” and “how” of your career goals, rather than your methods for getting there. Remember, the vision is a glimpse into the future, not a map for getting there. It should also be short and easy to memorize.

Check out these real examples:

  • Amazon: To be earth’s most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
  • The Nature Conservancy: Our vision is to leave a sustainable world for future generations.
  • Stanford University: To become the Harvard of the W.
  • Disney: To make people happy.

Brainstorm the events that led you to pursue your media career. What inspired you to do this stuff in the first place? Here are some ideas of possible personal vision statements:

  • “To establish my own creative advertising agency by 2030.”
  • “To spend as much time traveling as I spend at my desk.”
  • “To create media that contributes to the alleviation of poverty.”
  • “To contribute to the public understanding of science through my writing.”

Once you’ve nailed down a sentence or two that sums up your vision, sleep on it and revisit your ideas tomorrow. If it still holds true and encompasses your values and dreams, it’s probably a solid vision. Post it somewhere visible on your desk and consult it every time you make a decision, start a new project or consider a new job opportunity.

Most importantly, if you feel like you’ve achieved your vision, amend it by dreaming bigger.

Get help figuring out your vision statement and other career goals by talking with one of Mediabistro’s career counselors

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