Climb the Ladder

What Does a Videographer Do?

As mentioned in our 2022 predicted trends, the overall pivot to video is here to make its mark and stay, with platforms like TikTok gaining prominence.

“We all have shorter attention spans today, and video is a way to capture those people who don’t want to take the time to read an entire article,” says Katie Leimkuehler, a social media consultant and instructor for Mediabistro’s Build a Social Media Video Strategy course.

And with that being said, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook of jobs pertaining to video and film is set to rise nearly 30% in the next ten years, which is must faster than the average job.

What does this mean exactly? Well, it could be a good time for you to explore videography as a new skill or hobby if you’re interested in it. Luckily, there are different types of videographers—from corporate ones to wedding to news ones, so you’d have the ability to keep your options open to many different types of videography jobs.

The practice of videography is the practice of capturing moving images through digital video devices. A videographer must be both visually-oriented and creative while also having the ability to work independently and collaboratively depending on the number of people on their set or the size of their video team. There are two main types of videographers: corporate and freelance.

Corporate Videographers

Corporate videographers who are employed by a company typically are assigned a wide variety of tasks—doing anything from executing promotional videos to recording live events to the news. These positions are more rare to find within the industry.

Freelance Videographers

Freelance videographers, on the other hand, have more flexibility when it comes to the type of content they video on the job. For example, they have the ability to copyright their work, which can translate to them eventually getting other gigs. They can stay within one industry or work across multiple: such as weddings, documentary, product, interviews, and more.

Find your dream video job here.

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