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HR, Recruitment, and Employer Branding Blog

Your source for all the tips and tricks to interviewing, recruiting talent, and developing your employees

Job Listings' Company Descriptions

Job Descriptions

The One Thing Your Job Listing Is Probably Getting Wrong

August 22nd, 2016 Most Recent

It’s not enough for your company description to say what you do. You have to take it a step further and say why it’s amazing and why a candidate would be lucky to work there.

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Retain and reward freelancers

Best Practices

7 Ways to Keep—and Not Have to Replace—Your Best Freelancers

July 11th, 2016

Here’s how to retain your favorite freelancer for the long haul.

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Help wanted: why no one is applying to your job listing


Why No One Is Applying to Your Job Listing

June 13th, 2016

Hiring can be hard—especially when no one is applying to your job listing, even though lots of candidates are viewing your ad. When an employer has a tough time getting many, or any, qualified applicants to respond to their job listing, it is often a case of the “Field of Dreams Syndrome”: the belief that…

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employee managing interns

Best Practices

A Newbie’s Guide to Managing Interns

May 24th, 2016

Before you had interns, you probably joked about needing one. It would be fantastic to have an eager college student take on the dullest parts of your job, fetch you coffee and deliver it with a smile, wouldn’t it? But now that you have interns, you know that’s not quite how it works. If you’re…

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Questions to ask before cybervetting

Best Practices

Read This Before You Look Up Your Job Applicant Online

May 23rd, 2016

When you’re curious about a new job applicant, it’s human nature to want to check them out on social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are right at your fingertips. What’s the harm in looking? More than half of employers are already researching candidates on social sites, and the actual number may be even higher….

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Job Listing Call to Action

Job Descriptions

Employers: Get More Job Candidates with One Simple Phrase

May 9th, 2016

If you’re looking to recruit and hire new talent, you want to do everything you can to persuade job seekers to apply to your job listing. You probably already know to use the right words to make your opening as attractive as possible. But did you know you could miss out on candidates simply because…

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Job applicants waiting to be interviewed

Job Descriptions

Stop Losing Applicants by Avoiding These Job Listing ‘Danger Words’

April 11th, 2016

When you’re vetting resumes from job applicants, even the smallest detail can turn you off. A misspelled word, a font that’s too small, even a lackluster description of a prior role—these little things make a big difference to a hiring manager. We’ve all seen it a hundred times: a decent candidate who loses the gig…

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hiring manager interviewing a millennial


4 Questions Managers Must Ask Millennials During a Job Interview

March 22nd, 2016

Millennials have different concerns about work than older workers. Unlike baby boomers or Gen X, who typically want to land a job and then figure it out, millennials—that is, people born in the early 1980s to early 2000s, and now the largest generation in the workforce—want to know what they are getting into before they…

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Job Descriptions

Infographic: Elements of a Successful Job Listing

March 11th, 2016

You’re probably far too familiar with the downfalls of a quickly whipped-up job listing: Vague information leads to a large number of applicants—of which only a few are actually qualified—leaving you with the task of sorting out the few decent candidates. Truth is, if you take the time to develop a well-formed job listing, you’ll…

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employer calling candidate's references


5 Questions to Ask Your Job Candidate’s References

November 21st, 2012

Here’s what any manager can do to yield the most meaningful answers during the hiring process.

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bad job candidate smoking cigarette


10 Warning Signs of a Bad Job Candidate

January 7th, 2016

Not every job applicant—even one you invite for an interview—is worth your utmost attention, so weeding out a bad job candidate early can save time, energy and frustration. Below, workplace experts offer 10 key warning signs of a bad job candidate to look for during the interview. 1. Punctuality Problems Roberta Matuson, CEO of Matuson Consulting and author of Suddenly…

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employer shaking hands with job candidate


The Secrets to Getting the Most Out of Candidate Interviews

March 7th, 2016

You’re lucky to be in a position where you can hire some help, but interviewing candidates is a lot like detective work. Somehow, you’ve got to go beyond pat answers, polished resumes and perfected covers to uncover the real truth: Is this the right person? Use these tips from workplace experts to stay focused on…

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