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Why Mediabistro Job Listings Now Get Increased Traffic

Google for Jobs rolled out this summer. This new search feature compiles job listings from across the internet, allowing job seekers to see a wide variety of available roles from a wide variety of sources, all with a simple Google search query.

You might be asking: “How do I get MY listings included on Google for Jobs?”

Unlike typical job boards, Google for Jobs doesn’t require employers to sign up or submit job listings. (At least, not yet.) It simply crawls existing job listings and pulls the information into a standardized Google for Jobs interface.

Google is able to do this through a partnership with Madgex, a UK-based tech company that specializes in job board software. All listings on Madgex-based boards are automatically pulled into Google for Jobs. Companies with Madgex-powered job boards include The Economist, The Washington Post, and—surprise!—Mediabistro.

That’s a long way of saying, if you post your job on Mediabistro, it will automatically be pulled into Google for Jobs.

“Only jobs posted on job boards that integrate with Google will receive traffic from this new, enhanced search feature,” Madgex reports. “This means it is now more important than ever for job board owners to ensure they are partnered with the right technology provider.”

Not only that—Google for Jobs drives organic traffic to your Mediabistro job listing.

In a report published by Madgex, researchers noted that during the first month of Google for Jobs, job detail pages on Madgex job boards received an average increase in traffic of 90% from the same time last year.

To put it simply, more job seekers are finding your listing on Google for Jobs.

And when they click on it, they are redirected to the job posting you’ve paid for on Mediabistro (or another job board).

However, Madgex noted one negative side effect to all of this increased web traffic. With so many new, available roles to explore, job seekers are spending 20% less time on any given job detail page than they have in the past.

Madgex suggests including a call to action on your job listing to encourage visitors to begin the application process and not wander off in search of other jobs. We couldn’t agree more! We’ve talked at length about why you need a strong CTA in every job description.

To recap what this all means for you:

  • Google for Jobs compiles job listings from across the internet.
  • One of Google for Jobs’ technology partners is Madgex.
  • Any job boards that use Madgex software are automatically pulled into Google for Jobs searches.
  • Mediabistro’s job board uses Madgex.
  • Therefore, your Mediabistro job listings will ALWAYS appear in Google for Jobs listings.
  • Google for Jobs has greatly increased organic traffic to job boards, including Mediabistro.
  • But visitors don’t always stick around very long.
  • Therefore, you should always have a strong call to action so job seekers begin the application process.

Questions about posting your job listing on Mediabistro? Visit our Employer page for more information. Want more info on Google for Jobs? Download the Madgex report here.

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