Tina Orem

Albuquerque, NM 87111 USA
Website: http://www.mediabistro.com/TinaOrem

Professional Experience

I'm a journalist, editor, and proofreader with an MBA, a master's degree in journalism, and actual financial experience. I have solid, hands-on knowledge of markets and instruments, personal finance, taxes, business plans, insurance, and credit; experience with SEC filings; and intense financial modeling experience. I've edited business books, magazines, and scholarly journal articles; my work has also appeared in major national, trade, and consumer publications. I've interviewed several celebrities about money. I have experience as a managing editor. I'm reliable, professional, and focused; I meet deadlines, am a painstaking perfectionist, and am very organized.


16 Years
18 Years
Other, Specify
10 Years


15 Years
Business (general)
15 Years
Personal Finance
15 Years


Magazine - Trade magazines/publications (B2B)
10 Years
Book Publishing Consumer
9 Years
Online/new media
18 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

18 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

CreditDonkey.com (10+), StreetAuthority.com/InvestingAnswers.com (10+), Advisor Today magazine (10+), Eugene Register-Guard (6-10), Outside Bozeman magazine (6-10), ABA Banking Journal (1-2), DocStoc.com (10+), Consumers Digest (10+), Credit Union Times (10+), Creditcards.com (10+)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Albuquerque Business First (10+), Scholarly journal articles in finance (10+), Brookfield Properties Corporation (6-10), Crystal River Capital, Inc. (6-10), NerdWallet (10+)

Other Work History

SAMPLE BOOKS COPY EDITED OR PROOFREAD: --First in Thirst: How Gatorade Turned the Science of Sweat into a Cultural Phenomenon; Darren Rovell *Soundview Summaries top 30 business book* --The Grand Illusion; Chuck Panozzo --The Age Curve: How to Profit from the Demographic Storm; Kenneth Gronbach --The Eccentric Billionaire: John D. MacArthur; Nancy Kriplen --India Arriving; Rafiq Dossani --Managing Online Forums; Patrick O'Keefe --The Leadership Advantage; Robert Fulmer, Jared Bleak --The Boss from Outer Space and Other Aliens at Work; Patricia Addesso --Your Successful Career as a Mortgage Broker; David Reed --The Niche Shop; Dorothy Finell --Billy, Alfred, and General Motors; William Pelfrey *Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot Award winner (Society of Automotive Historians)*

Technical Skills

WordPress, Google Analytics, Excel, Word, Tableau, SEMrush, Asana, Trello, Slack, PowerPoint, InDesign, HTML, variety of social media, and PACER.

Foreign Language Skills

Some Spanish.

Computer Skills

WordPress, Google Analytics, Excel, Word, Tableau, SEMrush, Asana, Trello, Slack, PowerPoint, InDesign, HTML, variety of social media, and PACER.


Dell laptop and iPhone, digital cameras, HP color printer/scanner/fax/photo printer; I have InDesign, IncCopy, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Acrobat Pro experience.


Available upon request.


American Copy Editors Society (ACES) Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW)



Finding the cash to pay a larger-than-expected tax bill can be tricky, but tax pros say there are ways to deal with the surprise without having to pawn the family heirlooms.
Tax preparers do a big chunk of America’s tax returns — more than 80 million a year, according to the IRS — but if you’re nervous about handing confidential information to someone in a largely unregulated field, you’re not alone. Here are some tips to help you find a good tax preparer and reduce the risk of expensive errors and exposing your finances.
As the tax clock counts down, people may hope to delay the inevitable by filing for an extension. But an extension may not get you as much breathing room as you might like. Here’s why.
A whopping 95% of married couples file taxes jointly, and for good reason: It’s almost always cheaper than filing separately. But what about the other 5% of the time? Here are a few cases where splitting up those returns might make more sense.
Millennials may be marked by their confidence, but a new survey by NerdWallet and Harris Poll reveals one thing they aren’t so sure about: filing taxes.
It doesn’t take the Panama Papers to expose tax cheats — plenty of people report questionable tax behavior to the IRS every year. Here’s what you need to know if you want to report a possible tax crook and perhaps get a reward.
Doling out financial advice at credit unions could soon look a lot different if controversial new rules proposed in April by the Department of Labor take effect.
The "Your Money" section of the November-December issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics, including an interview with celebrity chef Joe Bastianich.
Companies dread poor web design because it reduces the amount of time and money customers spend on their sites. The underlying problem is oftentimes poor UI and UX design. If your company is an offender, watch out. Here's what you need to know.
Credit unions may find themselves in court more often if the CFPB acts on its proposed ban on class action waivers in arbitration clauses - a change some industry experts said could inflate compliance costs and eliminate products and services.
The "Your Money" section of the January-February issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics, including an interview with EXTRA host Maria Menounos.
Many of the country’s best athletes have given the United States big wins at this year’s Olympics, and the United States is going to give them something right back: a tax bill.
Start on the wrong foot, in an area where the jobs are scarce and the pay is pathetic, and you could end up on a one-way path to being in debt forever. To avoid such a plight, we've gathered a list of U.S. cities that show the most promise for young couples getting started.
Whether you're planning to retire or you're already there, missing deadlines will cost you. Use this checklist to avoid disaster.
Life changes with the times, and it's in major metropolitan areas that real change becomes evident. With this in mind, CreditDonkey.com wanted to find out where we can see the future happening now by looking for cities that are embracing change the most. Where are the cities of the future?
A discussion of FFO excerpted from Street Authority's Investor Update newsletter. StreetAuthority.com is a research-intensive financial publishing firm offering a variety of subscribers-only newsletters. I've written dozens of similar pieces for them. Click on section eleven or scroll down.
An interview with Umpqua Bank CEO Ray Davis. How Umpqua Bank used modern design to embrace one of banking's most cherished, old-fashioned strategies: The face-to-face relationship.
The "Your Money" section of the July-August issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics.
The "Your Money" section of the March-April issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics, including an interview with HGTV's Carter Oosterhouse.
A review of H&R Block's latest online tax-prep site.
The "Your Money" section of the May-June issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics.
The "Your Money" section of the March-April issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics, including an interview with Rachel Fox of Desperate Housewives.
Here's what you have to know before you buy yourself the gift that keeps on giving.
The "Your Money" section of the May-June issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics, including an interview with NFL star Kurt Warner.
An analysis of how pocketbook stress affects your marriage, your parenting, and your productivity.
A review of five prominent online tax-prep sites for 2008. TurboTax stands out with more features and the best site design, but TaxAct is the best value. Also found at http://www.macworld.com/article/132273/2008/02/taxprep_online.html
In our search for successful NAIFA members under 40, we discovered these four advisors whose dedication to serving their clients has enriched their personal and professional lives. This is a profile of Joseph Tavernite, one of those four.
Cities typically don't have a lot of coin lying around for projects, so they often turn to munis, and you can benefit. Here's how.
People often overlook the need for disability insurance. They think their medical coverage, their life insurance, or their savings can cover the loss of income that often comes when they have to leave work due to injury. They're dead wrong. Here's how to get clients to see the light.
Yes, we are experiencing an economic downturn, but this has not prevented some producers from thriving. Find out what three of them are doing to successfully promote their services and reach hundreds of highly qualified prospects.
Not all stocks are created equal. Here's your guide to five of the most common types of stocks.
Many companies entice new employees -- and current ones -- with these offers. Here's what you need to know.
It isn't all about supply and demand. We'll show you how it really works.
Target's $19 million proposed settlement with MasterCard failed to receive the required 90% participation rate from issuers, meaning the settlement will not happen, according to an announcement from MasterCard and one of the attorneys representing five card issuers fighting the settlement.
Given the vast variety in economic conditions and demographics in this Land of Opportunity, we wanted to nail down the best states for entrepreneurs. Here's our list of the 10 best.
You could be headed down a dead-end street with your prospect or client and not even know it's happening. The next best thing to becoming a mind-reader is to know the six things they are probably thinking, but don't know how to tell you.
With almost three-fourths of Americans now saying their relationships with banks are primarily transactional, according to Accenture, having the right mobile offering isn't just trendy--it's a survival strategy. Here's what four experts say banks should do to stay relevant in mobile.
Reviews of the five major online tax-prep sites. TurboTax edges out the competition, but only by a hair. URL leads to five clips in one: http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/product/44129/review/turbotax_premier_2009.html http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/product/44113/review/taxact_ultimate_2009.html http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/product/44121/review/taxcut_premium_2009.html http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/product/44130/review/completetax_premium_2009.html http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/product/44111/review/taxbrain_1040_premium_2009.html
New Mexico often appears on national lists of "best places to retire," but for more and more workers in the Land of Enchantment, the days of heading home at 65 and playing golf all day are gone. These days, "retirement" often means moving from a full-time job to a second career.
Using a fingerprint as an "I was here" message is what Houston startup Epic One plans to capitalize on when it launches its line of credit cards. The cards contain fingerprint readers and microprocessors that create a dual-authentication process, which lowers the chances of fraudulent use.
In February 2014, Capital One purchased a stake in ClearXchange, which is a network formed in 2011 by Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo. The network allows people to send money to each other without having to establish accounts outside of their primary banks.
This program offers a great escape from your homemade accounting system, but the software's simplicity and limitations make it easy to outgrow.
The "Your Money" section of the July-August issue of Consumers Digest. The section includes 10 articles on a variety of personal finance topics, including an interview with Melissa Rivers.
Millennials may be marked by their confidence, but a new survey by NerdWallet and Harris Poll reveals one thing they aren’t so sure about: filing taxes.
About 43% of men and 36% of women ages 18 to 34 still live with parents or relatives, according to the Pew Research Center, but experts say there are a few things parents can do at tax time to help offset the costs of letting those adult children stay in the nest. As with parenting, though, it can be a tricky endeavor.
There are few things worse than spending hours preparing your tax return only to discover that identity thieves have already snatched your refund. If thieves come after your tax return, experts say there are a few steps you’ll need to take to deal with the damage.
As with most things, cheapest almost never means best when it comes to financial planners. Here's how to make sure that your costs don't get too high.