Professional Experience
I am the Lead United Nations representative and writer for the NGO, FWACO, Federations of American Women's Clubs Overseas. I cover the United Nations and the Human Rights Council as the happenings relate to the NGO. I Regularly attend meetings, conferences, side events and functions at the UN Headquarters in Geneva on matters relating to all human rights areas. Summarize findings and submit feature stories, news articles and blogs for publication. Actively blog during each three-week HRC session held each March, June and September informing the global community and FAWCOs 15,000 members located in 35 countries around the world of HRC news, issues and global concerns.
3 Years
Sales Manager/Exec.
25 Years
12 Years
Women's Issues
3 Years
14 Years
Other, Specify
3 Years
Marketing (firm) - Small to mid-sized corp. cl
11 Years
Marketing (in-house) - Fortune 1000 corp. clients
10 Years
3 Years