Stacy Stavinoha

Geneva, Switzerland, Switzerland

Professional Experience

I am the Lead United Nations representative and writer for the NGO, FWACO, Federations of American Women's Clubs Overseas. I cover the United Nations and the Human Rights Council as the happenings relate to the NGO. I Regularly attend meetings, conferences, side events and functions at the UN Headquarters in Geneva on matters relating to all human rights areas. Summarize findings and submit feature stories, news articles and blogs for publication. Actively blog during each three-week HRC session held each March, June and September informing the global community and FAWCOs 15,000 members located in 35 countries around the world of HRC news, issues and global concerns.


3 Years
Sales Manager/Exec.
25 Years
12 Years


Women's Issues
3 Years
14 Years
Other, Specify
3 Years


Marketing (firm) - Small to mid-sized corp. cl
11 Years
Marketing (in-house) - Fortune 1000 corp. clients
10 Years
3 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

25 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

NGO (10+), NGO (10+), NGO (10+)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Bourque Logistics (10+)

Other Work History

Currently the Lead United Nations representative for an NGO, covering the Human Rights Council and UN happenings as they relate to the NGO. Previously, Founder and Managing Director, Corporate Marketing Solutions. We specialized in comprehensive marketing programs for small to medium sized companies.

Technical Skills

Recording, editing and publishing with screen capture software, Camtasia. HTML help author using Doc-to-Help

Foreign Language Skills

Basic French

Computer Skills

Camtasia, Doc-to-Help, Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Work Permits & Visas

Swiss B permit


Transportation Marketing and Communications Association Award of Merit



Privacy, in varying contexts of our global societies, is a basic human impulse yet privacy measures carried over from the analog age to the digital age have not aged gracefully and are of increasing global concern.
Slavery from its earliest days is a violation of numerous human rights and today, under international human rights laws, is illegal yet various forms of contemporary slavery persist, generating profits in the billions of dollars.
The world's population is now older than it has ever been which is causing an unprecedented demographic transformation towards an ageing population. The swing is occurring in all regions of all countries at various levels of development.
With one impacting the other, water and sanitation are two distinct human rights and, as humanitarians, we should draw the extinction. A multitude of UN resolutions refer to the right to safe water and sanitation but, in many cases efforts, to provide safe water overshadow the right to sanitation.
Since the unrest began in March 2011, hundreds of thousands of persons have been displaced from their homes with four million people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. The Syrian government has yet to allow the Commission to undertake investigations inside the country.
Family units face growing challenges such as the economic situation, lack of social protection, migration or armed conflict; research demonstrated that well protected families contributed positively to the rights of their members, particularly women and children.
Violence against children is never justifiable and is a pathetic human rights violation with dire consequences for its victims. Children who survive must cope with terrible emotional, and often, physical scars.