Professional Experience
As a nationally published, award-winning fitness writer and certified personal trainer, I have an excellent grasp of fitness concepts and have produced fresh and relevant content for magazines including Runner's World, Experience Life and Competitor.
As a freelance writer, I have established rapport with top fitness experts including Charles Poliquin, Lou Schuler and Charlie Weingroff for articles on topics ranging from kettlebell training to the emotional implications of injury. My expertise and connections allow me to generate unique story ideas and present them thoroughly and accurately. A regular contributor to Experience Life, I specialize in workout-based articles, general fitness advice and success stories.
I hold a B.S. from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. My personal training certifications are through the National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) and MovNat. My personal interests include running, strength training and injury prevention.
2 Years
8 Years
Social Media
2 Years
Sports & Recreation
8 Years
8 Years
6 Years
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
8 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
5 Years
Online/new media
2 Years