Anna Rohleder

Berkeley, CA USA

Professional Experience

Writer and editor with over 10 years of experience in the corporate world in general and the technology industry in particular Expertise in marketing copywriting, video scriptwriting, structural editing, and lifestyle subjects such as art and collecting, real estate, travel, and luxury goods


Content Editor (online)
6 Years
2 Years
11 Years


Arts & Humanities
5 Years
3 Years
6 Years


Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
3 Years
Association publication
6 Years
Marketing (in-house) - Small to mid-sized corp. cl
2 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

8 Years

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

CLS Communication (1-2)

Other Work History

Opera Software - Senior Online Writer Gartner Research - Editor - Staff Writer Art & Auction magazine - Editorial Assistant

Foreign Language Skills

Fluent German Conversational Norwegian

Computer Skills

Microsoft Office Basic HTML WordPress eZPublish CMS


iPhone PC


Available on request



Rather than focusing on data compression as a feature of the product, I chose to tell a story around its consumer benefits. This video has over 7 million views to date.
This video was an important element of the "Made to Discover" campaign aimed at rebranding Opera as a lifestyle product rather than a utility app.
This video highlights the benefits of Opera Mini 7, particularly the Smart Page feature which provides a smartphone-like experience for users of basic phones.

Marketing Copy

Since its main purpose is to drive downloads, this text is highly optimized for SEO.
This page needed to convey both that the TV app publication process has multiple stages and requirements, while also encouraging developers to submit their apps.
Coast is a new browser designed specifically for the iPad. My goal was to tell the story of Coast in a compelling and succinct way.

Freelance journalism

This was a review of an art exhibit mounted at the National Gallery of Art in Islamabad, Pakistan.
This was a portrait of India during the economic boom, using the shortage of small change to discuss larger structural issues.