Brian Steinberg

New York, NY USA

Professional Experience

A well-versed reporter and writer with a specialty in media, entertainment and marketing/advertising, I also have experience covering workplace issues, and broad pop culture trends. I am Senior TV Editor at Variety and have served stints as the TV Editor of Advertising Age, the lead Advertising Columnist for The Wall Street Journal and lead U.S. media business reporter for Dow Jones Newswires. Among the topics I've covered: the travails of launching "Gossip Girl"; brave new experiments in interactive TV commercials; the rise of Jimmy Fallon to NBC's "Tonight Show"; and Batman's sanity. Keep me in mind when you want someone to get behind the scenes of how a product or piece of content was created; for profiles of interesting subjects; and for clever and unique examinations of books, movies, music and TV. I am also interested in writing about careers and workplace issues; cultural affairs; features or columns; and book, restaurant and music reviews.


22 Years
22 Years


Arts & Humanities
22 Years
Business (general)
17 Years
22 Years


Newspaper - National
5 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
2 Years
Wire Service
6 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

22 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs) (10+), Salon (1-2), The Wall Street Journal (1-2), Boston Globe (1-2), Consumers' Digest (1-2), Country Standard Time (1-2), delight! (1-2)

Other Work History

Senior TV Editor, Variety, 2013-Present Television Editor-Advertising Age, May 2007 to 2013 Freelance Writer: Work appeared in publiciations such asThe Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, USA Weekend, Entertainment Weekly, The Washington Post and The New York Times, as well as several trade publications. May 2007-to Present, June 1993 to May 1997 Staff Reporter, The Wall Street Journal, April 2003-May 2007 Special Writer/Staff Reporter, Dow Jones Newswires, June 1997 to April 2003 Staff Reporter, The (Annapolis, Md.) Capital., February 1995 to April 1997 (approx.)

Foreign Language Skills

Some French

Computer Skills

MS Word


Available upon request


Shared in Best of Business award from Society of American Business Editors and Writers for real-time, breaking news coverage of AOL-Time Warner merger, 2001 Named to TJFR Blue Chip Newsroom, 2000 Second place, feature writing, National Headliner Awards


Society of American Business Editors and Writers



An interesting look at new ways to refashion TV's venerable commercial break as technology gives consumers more power to avoid TV advertising.
A feature article on shock-jock Howard Stern soliciting sponsorships from more genteel advertisers
You'd think two of the most venerable broadcast TV outlets would be of a like mind about the future of TV. They aren't.
A feature on comic-book publishers looking for ways to put advertisers' products in the four-color panels of their super-hero titles
An interview with Law & Order creator Dick Wolf about TV and TV advertising
A colorful look at some of the new ideas the media industry is devising to stop people from fast-forwarding past commercials
A look at the rocky start to the much-anticipated MSNBC program, "Ronan Farrow Daily"
Is Batman crazy or sane? An off-kilter interpretation of the venerable character in DC Comics prompted this WSJ essay looking at the philosophical basis for many popular comics characters.
A look at the ongoing problem of "ad creep," or advertising that continues to winnow its way into places where we'd rather not see it. The latest twist? Consumers growing more accustomed to ads on the Internet may welcome such stuff in more traditional venues.
An analysis piece looking at challenges digital distribution has brought to kids' TV
In a tough economy, marketers began to run more of the same old ads rather than creating new ones - not without consequences.
An interview with Jerry Seinfeld about the creative process
Behind the scenes of why NBC's "Saturday Night Live" agreed to create ads for Pepsi and why doing so marks a big change in the TV business.
A profile of Jimmy Fallon as he contemplated his journey to NBC's "Tonight"
A look at how product placement in TV programs has grown more intrusive as the media industry reacts to a horrible economy