Carolyn Banfalvi

Budapest, Hungary

Professional Experience

I am a freelance writer, specializing in food, wine, and travel. I am based in Budapest, Hungary and spend a few months every year in Washington DC, my hometown. I am currently at work on a guidebook about Hungarian food, wine, and restaurants.


Book Author
1 Year
6 Years
6 Years


6 Years
6 Years
6 Years


Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
6 Years
Newspaper - National
6 Years
Newsletter - Trade
6 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

6 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Washington Diplomat (10+), Northstar Travel Media (3-5), Globe and Mail (3-5), Washington Post (1-2), Wall Street Journal Europe (1-2), Four Seasons (Forbes) (1-2)

Other Work History

PUBLICATIONS Newspapers: The Globe & Mail, The Washington Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Diplomat, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Wall Street Journal, Budapest Business Journal, The Budapest Times Magazines: Gastronomica, Four Seasons (Forbes), The Wine Report, The World & I (The Washington Times), EasyJet Inflight Magazine, Sky Europe Inflight Magazine, European Businessman, Communications International, Ambassador, Business Hungary, Where: Budapest, International Living Travel Guides I have contributed to: Northstar Travel Media (2004, 2005), Frommers Budapest and the Best of Hungary (2005), Bradt Hungary Guide (2005), Hanging Out In Italy (Avalon Publishing, 2001) Industry Newsletters: Communications Daily and Washington Internet Daily (Warren Communications); Telecom Finance Week and Tech Finance News (Institutional Investor)

Foreign Language Skills

I can get by in Hungarian, and I speak working Spanish.


I have an iBook, a Nikon Coolpix 5700 digital camera, and a digital audio recorder.

Work Permits & Visas

Hungarian Residence Permit


International Foodservice Editorial Council scholarship for food writing (6/02)


Hungarian International Press Association, International Association of Culinary Professionals



If there's any sight in Bosnia that is widely recognizable beyond the country's borders, it's the Stari Most, or Old Bridge. The single-arched Ottoman-era masterpiece was destroyed during the 1992-1995 war, and was recently reconstructed in a $20 million project.
A profile of a Hungarian American lobbying organization, who succeeded in helping a forgotten village open a border crossing that has been closed for 60 years.
Washington's embassies provide an often untapped source of international cultural events. I investigated, and discovered that the city's 170 embassies offer art, music, and cultural programs that other cities should envy: If only they knew about it.
Most foie gras lovers would probably be surprised to learn that their slices of goose liver actually originated in Hungary, rather than in France. Hungary is the biggest producer of goose liver in the world and in Budapest, creative chefs have made goose liver a common item on restaurant menus.
History has always been drawn to Poland's seaside city: It was where Solidarity was born, and where the first shots of the Second World War were fired. But travelers who bypass it are also missing out on a mellower side: sipping cool beer along a lively waterfront and strolling the cobblestone streets of a community rebuilt from the ashes.