Howard Baldwin

Sunnyvale, CA USA
Website: http://

Professional Experience

I write about how companies, no matter what their size, use technology to work more efficiently and compete more effectively. I've covered all kinds of technologies, from games to mainframes, everything in between, and even the chips that run them. These days I write frequently on mobility, enterprise software, virtualization, big data, IT service management, and social collaboration. Thanks to 25 years of writing about technology, I have a minimal learning curve and offer quick turnaround for case studies, white papers, and Web collateral.


30 Years
33 Years


Business (general)
20 Years
20 Years
30 Years


Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
30 Years
Magazine - Trade magazines/publications (B2B)
20 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

33 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Computerworld (10+), Forbes (10+)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Cisco Systems (10+), Microsoft (10+), SAP (3-5), Accenture (10+), Cognizant (3-5)

Other Work History

I have worked at all the major technology publishing companies; have written and edited technology books; and spent 9 years as a travel writer/editor.

Computer Skills

Microsoft Office, Interwoven Content Management


Available upon request.


American Society of Journalists & Authors



Part of a Computerworld series on the skills necessary to break into a booming area.
After giving away the farm, some IT departments are bringing select outsourced services back in-house. Here's how they're doing it.
As the digital world shrinks down to a screen the size of your hand, demand for user experience designers explodes.
Because HTML5 represents a new standard for creating web applications for mobile devices, developers must understand both its potential and its pitfalls.
How are CIOs using or planning to use mobility in 2013?
IT helps others to work remotely but rarely gets to join in. Is that fair?
What CIOs can expect in 2013.
Roberto Masiero vividly remembers the moment in 2011 when it became clear to him that designing a mobile application was a considerably different effort than designing a desktop application.
First-world tech leaders can learn a thing or two from the way CIOs in developing countries keep connectivity up and services flowing.
Blogging about the benefits of broadband since 2010.
Atos CEO Thierry Breton caught a lot of flak last year when he announced he wanted his employees to give up email, but he may have been on to something.
A look forward to this year's trends; my chapters cover collaboration, software-defined networking, analytics, and relationships.
As supply chain threats grow ever more sophisticated, companies tap new technologies to protect their assets and deliver the goods.
As manager of this Forbes mini-site for CIOs (under a six-month contract), I wrote about a variety of IT topics, from avoiding failures to helping CIOs engender more respect from colleagues. Click on CIO Next Community Editor for a full list of articles.
Part of a Computerworld series on the skills necessary to break into a booming area.
Mobility touches multiple facets of IT -- platform choice, application development, customer engagement. Does it make sense to put one person in charge of it all?


The first time a client brought intellectual property lawyer Janine Anthony Bowen a cloud computing contract to look over, her reaction was, essentially, "These people must be nuts."
Software firm FreeCause mandates that everyone learn JavaScript -- and they mean everyone.
With the pace of change overwhelming security efforts, how can IT take control?
What CIOs can expect in 2012.
Companies like Google and 3M give tech workers free time to follow their passions. Could it work for your organization?
As state and local governments look to the cloud, everyone can learn from agencies' struggles with compliance and ingrained cultures.
Wireless bandwidth is like land in Manhattan -- it's extremely valuable because they're not making more of it. But we sure are using more of it.
Nontech CIOs are all the rage these days. Is that good or bad for IT?
Passwords aren't working, and replacement technologies haven't caught on. Why can't we develop a simple way to secure our data?
As companies turn increasingly toward the cloud, corporate IT staffers wonder if the grass is greener working for a service provider.

Archive - My Favorite Work

My long, winding path out of obliviousness and into electronics.
How to shop for and implement Medical Practice Management (MPM) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems -- despite a fragmented, disjointed market.
This is my favorite work of all in 30 years of journalism. A cartoon usually appeared on this page but the magazine was too financially strapped that month to commission an artist. We needed something humorous but inexpensive.
A profile of AMD CEO Hector Ruiz.
Even with a perfect vantage point, the outlook is inscrutable.

Personal Blog

The aggravations of being a baby boomer, especially when it comes to memories, nostalgia, aging, career, and other issues.


How global CIOs are offering HR capabilities -- vacation requests, benefits information -- through mobile devices.
Linux had a big birthday recently -- its 20th -- but the event may have been a tad bittersweet for its most devoted fans. According to recent results of the annual application development survey from Santa Cruz, Calif.-based researcher Evans Data Corp., Linux has slipped to third place in popularity


The ability to create new applications quickly, reliably and economically is drawing businesses big and small to open source and emboldening them to use it for ever-larger projects, IT practitioners say.
Attention, IT leaders: If you haven't yet heard the message that you should be heading up a charge to digitally transform your organization, it's not for lack of trying from the big tech consulting firms.
Energy is a field that's simultaneously entrenched and undergoing a rapid rate of change, and IT is playing a critical role in almost every aspect of its transformation.