Professional Experience
Wit, style and voice ensure that my essays evoke, my ads grab, my online copy compels, my radio spots rouse. A former promotion director for The New Yorker, my experience of 20+ years includes articles in The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, Gourmet, Garden & Gun, and, as well as promotional copy for The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Times, Architectural Digest, Random House, Conde Nast Traveler, and many others. I have also executed large-scale fundraising events for institutions such as the Brooklyn Academy of Music and School of American Ballet.
20 Years
17 Years
20 Years
Arts & Humanities
17 Years
13 Years
20 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
20 Years
Newspaper - National
11 Years
Online/new media
7 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
20 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Self/copywriting (10+), The New Yorker (10+), The New York Times/copywriting (10+), Garden & Gun/copywriting and article (6-10), Conde Nast Traveler (6-10), Architectural Digest/copywriting (6-10), Artisan Sauces (3-5), Golf Digest/copywriting (1-2), Green Scout Report/editing and copywriting (1-2), Hearst Magazines/copywriting (1-2), The New York Times/writing (1-2), The Sullivan Project/publicity (1-2), Time Inc. (10+), Vanity Fair/copywriting (10+)
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Westport Public Library (1-2), (1-2), Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation (1-2), Bard College (1-2), French Institute Alliance Francaise (1-2), Shiseido Cosmetics (1-2), The Miller Theatre at Columbia Universit/publicity (1-2), (6-10)
Other Work History
I was copy director of Time Inc. Branded Solutions department, promotion director of The New Yorker, copy manager in the creative services department of The New York Times, special projects manager at Vanity Fair and communications manager at Gourmet. I am a frequently contributor to the New York edition, a cultural events website. I was also in the fundraising benefits department for two years at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and in the public relations department for children's books at Random House.
Foreign Language Skills
basic French
Computer Skills
Word, OS 10, Windows, PowerPoint, CMS systems such as Drupal
laptop, desktop, digital camera
Work Permits & Visas
USA visa
on request
An acknowledgment in "Best American Print Advertising" No. 39 in US Ad Review for New York Times circulation ad; a min Integrated Marketing Award as part of the team who created the Jergens Beautiful Difference campaign; a New York Times Publisher's Award for my work on the TimesCard subscriber program.