Mindy Sink

2617 17th St. Denver, CO 80211 USA
Website: http://www.mindysink.com

Professional Experience

I love to tell great stories and my work as a stringer, freelancer and researcher for the New York Times taught me how to do so accurately and quickly on breaking news and features. Ive covered snowstorms and forest fires, as well as health issues, religion, technology, travel and science news. I am the author of Walking Denver (Wilderness Press, 2011), Moon Denver, a Moon Handbooks guide to the Mile High City, (Avalon Travel, 1st ed. 2009 and 2nd edition due out spring 2013) and I am a co-author of "Colorado Organic: Cooking Seasonally, Eating Locally." I am based in Denver, Colorado and have covered stories across the state and throughout the region--including Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico.


Book Author
1 Year
15 Years
15 Years


6 Years
7 Years
3 Years


Book Publishing Consumer
5 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
6 Years
Newspaper - National
12 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

18 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

10best.com (10+), Us Magazine (1-2), Wild Blue Yonder Magazine (1-2), Colorado Homes & Lifestyles (1-2), Successful Living Magazine (1-2), The Bride and Bloom Magazine (1-2), The Examiner (10+), The New York Times (10+)

Computer Skills

Word, Adobe Photoshop


Cell phone, laptop, cassette recorder, digital camera


available on request


writing samples

Bring the table to the farm for an exquisite dining out experience.
A look at the Law of Attraction and how to use it.
A profile of Baby Einstein founder Julie Aigner Clark


A blog that keeps my Denver guidebook updated and current between editions. It's also an opportunity for readers to offer their tips or opinions.