(Better Bank Systems 4/24/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 9/1/2010)
(American Way 10/15/2002)
An interview with the prolific business guru.
(InternetEvolution.com 1/5/2010)
(CIOUpdate.com 2/16/2010)
(New York Times Magazine 3/15/2009)
A special advertising section on global real estate trends.
Not online. A PDF is available on request.
(The Mobility Hub 1/31/2013)
(New York Times 1/26/2009)
A special advertising section; in business section.
(InternetEvolution.com 9/14/2012)
(Technology Review Magazine 1/1/2001)
(CIOUpdate.com 7/20/2010)
(Better Bank Systems 5/31/2012)
(Better Bank Systems 2/17/2012)
(Secure Thoughts 8/11/2015)
(Fortune Magazine 8/1/2005)
An advertorial that ran in FORTUNE Magazine.
(InternetEvolution.com 4/23/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 7/18/2012)
(Continental Magazine 9/1/2009)
Rethinking heart care: new, exciting trends in cardiology, reported in this CONTINENTAL Magazine special section
(Crain's New York 12/21/2009)
An advertorial for Wolfgang's Steakhouse (#2 in a series). Not online, print only. Copies available upon request.
(Rutgers Philosophy Department 4/1/2007)
A newsletter created to launch the Friends of Rutgers Philosophy, a networking and support group for the department (one of the world's top rated). Done on a pro bono basis.
(InternetEvolution.com 3/6/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/23/2012)
(New York Times 11/2/2009)
Advertorial about credit unions. Print only (in Business section), not online. PDF available upon request.
(InternetEvolution.com 9/18/2012)
(CIOUpdate.com 4/20/2010)
Kenya, Northern Ireland, Egypt and more
(InternetEvolution.com 7/21/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/30/2010)
(CIOUpdate.com 6/16/2010)
(Credit Union Times 12/1/2014)
I filed stories several times a week, sometimes several times a day, for four years, typically about mobile banking and technology. Click here for this archive of many hundreds of articles
(Enterprise Networking Planet 5/3/2012)
(American Way 5/1/2006)
A look at the micromanaging epidemic -- causes and cures.
(CIOUpdate.com 12/1/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/19/2011)
re ITA acquisition
(InternetEvolution.com 5/15/2012)
(IT Services Site 6/15/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 6/13/2011)
(SecureThoughts.com 6/5/2015)
(The Mobility Hub 11/27/2012)
(Digital Canvas Retail 10/31/2012)
(Continental Magazine 5/1/2006)
The high tech, high cost, high risk world of oil and gas exploration
(Wired Magazine 12/15/2010)
Advertorial for #Continental Airlines. Continuing coverage of tech conferences. CTIA, Interop, MobiSys, more TK
Weekly updates
(Continental Magazine 11/1/2008)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/29/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 3/18/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/10/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 5/23/2011)
(Digital Canvas Retail 11/7/2012)
(Better Bank Systems 4/30/2012)
(CioUpdate.com 10/4/2007)
A look at the rising costs of enterprise data storage
(Continental Magazine 3/1/2009)
(InternetEvolution.com 10/4/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 9/7/2011)
(SaaS in the Enterprise 9/13/2013)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/25/2011)
(min 10/1/2015)
How magazines are harnessing social media, from a leading trade publisher. I worked on the team that produced this, as project manager
(InternetEvolution.com 10/31/2011)
(The Mobility Hub 1/14/2013)
(Continental Magazine 6/1/2008)
A look of WalMart's push to be green
(New York Times 10/29/2007)
The write-up of the annual NY Times Small Business Summit. Most of the stories were written by me. (Note: I did the 2006 Summit story package too.)
(Corporate Secretary Magazine 7/1/2008)
(Continental Magazine 5/1/2009)
May cover story, about HP's cloud computing initiative
(CIOUpdate.com 11/5/2007)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 10/21/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/11/2010)
Threats to online travel booking sites in an age of mobility
(Secure Thoughts 11/15/2016)
(Porthole Cruise Magazine 12/1/2009)
My regular service column (stretching back 12 years, under different titles), for Porthole. In print only, not online. PDF available upon request.
December column addresses: what if a fire breaks out on board your ship?
(Harvard Business Review 3/1/2003)
Benchmark Hospitality's conference centers written up in HBR advertorial.
(CIOUpdate.com 1/19/2011)
(American Way 7/14/2003)
A q & a with Larry Bossidy.
(American Way 3/1/2004)
A q & a qith Franz Humer, CEO of Roche, the Swiss pharma giant.
(InternetEvolution.com 3/21/2012)
(Entrepreneur Magazine 10/1/1999)
About online learning
(Enterprise Networking Planet 3/22/2012)
(InternetEvolution 3/22/2011)
(SaaS in the Enterprise 7/3/2013)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/1/2011)
(Better Bank Systems 5/15/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 2/27/2012)
(The Mobility Hub 2/14/2013)
(Executive Travel 7/1/2013)
Case studies of Cisco, Target, Loews Hotels
(CIOUpdate.com 9/22/2010)
From iPad to iPhone and what IT needs to know about them
(InternetEvolution.com 9/12/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/7/2011)
(InternetEvolution 3/28/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 10/18/2012)
(Secure Thoughts 8/16/2016)
(SecureThoughts.com 7/7/2015)
(The Mobility Hub 8/6/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/9/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 3/16/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/27/2011)
(The Mobility Hub 10/16/2012)
(Better Bank Systems 5/17/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 10/19/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 9/28/2010)
(Enterprise Networking Planet 3/1/2012)
(Rodale 9/1/2009)
I wrote the "green offices" chapter in this book, and also created supporting blog materials for online use at the launch of the print book.
(American Way 9/15/2004)
Assembling the 21st century corporate leader
(InternetEvolution.com 9/3/2012)
(American Way 12/15/2002)
Batali, Flay, Cora and more.
(Computer User Magazine 7/1/2002)
Distance training in the corporation
(New York Times 11/12/2009)
See my special advertising section text "Brazil Rising."
(New York Times 10/21/2010)
Advertorial. Print only. PDF available on request.
(American Way 10/15/2003)
Profile of the ChevronTexaco CEO, for the American Airlines inflight.
(American Way 4/15/2004)
Business futurists tell their secrets.
(American Way 2/14/2004)
A q & a with the founder of the brokerage -- one of many CEO interviews conducted by me for several leading publications. Others available upon request.
(Upside 3/1/2000)
A look at Northern Ireland's nascent technology sector.
(Love-Track.com 1/1/2000)
Hiking Austria's Alps
(Digital Canvas Retail 10/21/2012)
(Westways Magazine 3/1/1998)
Travels in Northern Ireland
(Entrepreneur Press 3/1/2005)
I co-authored this look at succeeding in ecommerce.
(Avenues Magazine 1/1/1998)
Learning at cooking schools in Asia.
(InternetEvolution.com 6/28/2010)
(Electronic Business 2/1/2002)
Smart staffing strategies for high-tech companies
(Destination Vacation 1/1/2009)
(Selling Power 4/1/2005)
What's in on the corporate speaking circuit
(Continental Magazine 5/1/2007)
Big oil explores new frontiers in the hunt for petroleum reserves
(American Way 12/15/2003)
Q & A with Subway co-founder Fred Deluca.
(DataCenterAcceleration.com 4/9/2013)
(CIOUpdate.com 2/15/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 5/18/2012)
(CIOupdate.com 12/11/2007)
(Continental Magazine 4/1/2009)
The April cover story, on Berlin, with a sidebar on Weimar
(Selling Power Magazine 11/1/2006)
The how-to of selling technically complex services and goods.
(New York Times 10/23/2006)
An advertorial in the NY Times, re Outsourcing.
(SecureThoughts 7/21/2015)
(New York Times 4/6/2009)
A four-page advertorial on cooperatives (member owned business associations), in the A section.
(Lowes 1/1/2006)
Many dozens of how-to blogs aimed at small businesses (that is, contractors and small landlords), posted over a several year period
(InternetEvolution.com 8/22/2011)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 8/22/2011)
(SecureThoughts.com 6/15/2015)
(Destination Vacation 6/1/2008)
A travel story about Ireland.
(InternetEvolution.com 2/28/2011)
(InternetEvolution 3/31/2011)
(ProjectManagerPlanet.com 8/20/2009)
(New York Times 9/18/2006)
An eight-page advertorial pull-out in the print edition of the NY Times complimented by a website (with out-takes not included in the print version).
(eSecurityPlanet.com 11/15/2011)
(InternetEvolution 4/20/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 10/19/2010)
(CIOUpdate.com 6/17/2009)
(InternetEvolution.com 2/8/2010)
(InternetEvolution 4/12/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 12/19/2011)
(The Federal Credit Union 8/31/2016)
(Destination Vacation Magazine 2/1/2008)
A look at new New Orleans cookery (John Besh, Cochon, et. al.)
(American Express Executive Travel Magazine 5/1/2010)
Bloomingdale's CEO tells what he loves about New York City
Not online. Ask me for a PDF
(InternetEvolution.com 2/17/2011)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 9/2/2011)
(Seabourn Club Herald 4/1/2010)
In-cabin magazine for cruise line passengers. Not online, print only. (PDF on request.)
(Continental Magazine 10/1/2008)
Profile of the chief innovation officer at insurer AXA
(InternetEvolution.com 9/25/2011)
(InternetEvolution 5/6/2011)
re PlayBook
(American Way 9/1/2005)
The how-to of getting hired today
(CIOUpdate.com 6/13/2008)
(Continental Magazine 6/1/2009)
Profile of Shell Oil's leader on climate change/global warming
(InternetEvolution 4/22/2011)
(CioUpdate.com 2/1/2008)
Mobile data and the enterprise
(CIOUpdate.com 4/15/2008)
(InternetEvolution.com 5/12/2011)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 9/26/2011)
(Upside Magazine 2/1/2000)
About contract manufacturers
(InternetEvolution.com 9/30/2011)
on the Internet Governance Forum
(InternetEvolution.com 6/22/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 2/24/2011)
(Continental Airlines Magazine 3/1/2008)
A profile of Don Vardeman, chair of the Offshore Technology Conference.
(Celebrated Living Magazine 3/1/2008)
For American Airlines' first-class cabin pub, a look at the wellness movement that is sweeping American business.
(InternetEvolution.com 10/4/2011)
(Crain's New York Business 2/4/2008)
An advertorial created for accounting firm Eisner LLP. This segment offers tax tips for high-income individuals.
(DatacenterAcceleration 9/19/2013)
(Project Manager Planet 2/1/2008)
(CioUpdate.com 3/4/2008)
A look at the shift of data/apps from the desktop to the cloud.
(InternetEvolution.com 5/19/2010)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 10/3/2011)
(CioUpdate.com 5/19/2010)
(Crain's New York Business 2/11/2008)
An advertorial sponsored by accounting firm Eisner
(Case Western Reserve's THINK Magazine 5/1/2010)
Social Media are Changing Our Sense of What's Acceptable—and What's Not
This article explores our shifting mores re disclosure
(NAFCU's The Federal Credit Union 7/1/2015)
(Travelers Tales: Ireland 5/1/2003)
A travel story that first ran in ISLANDS Magazine, about events on a small island off Ireland's southern coast
(Executive Travel 10/1/2006)
How American businesses are faring in Australia
(Tje IT Services Site 8/2/2012)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 12/1/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 3/8/2010)
(CIOUpdate.com 8/15/2011)
(Better Bank Systems 2/1/2012)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 7/19/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 10/15/2008)
Corporate IT and the iPhone
(American Express Executive Travel Magazine 9/1/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 11/16/2010)
(Secure Thoughts 7/2/2015)
(American Express Executive Travel Magazine 11/1/2012)
(American Express' Executive Travel Magazine 12/1/2008)
(CIOUpdate.com 7/20/2010)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 7/21/2011)
(Ski Vermont Magazine 2011 9/15/2010)
Not online (PDF on request). Story explores the importance of cooperatives to Vermont's economy, way of life.
(InternetEvolution.com 9/16/2010)
Can TripAdvisor, Yelp be trusted? Are your friends more reliable?
(American Way 6/15/2007)
A look at Broadway's insiders, from Des McAnuff to Margo Lion.
(American Express' Executive Travel 3/1/2007)
An interview with Maria Bartiromo, about the Fed, celebrity, and the Ramones.
(American Express Executive Travel 5/1/2009)
(InternetEvolution 3/17/2011)
(Digital Canvas Retail 12/27/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/5/2009)
A blog on cloud computing
(InternetEvolution.com 6/1/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 8/28/2008)
(InternetEvolution.com 12/23/2010)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 10/16/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 6/27/2011)
(IT Services Site 6/27/2012)
(Continental Magazine 1/1/2009)
A look at Delectus, a family winery in Napa.
(eSecurityPlanet.com 6/24/2011)
(Maximum Fitness 3/1/2009)
13 steps for saving money while maintaining a fitness program
(InternetEvolution.com 10/17/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/14/2012)
(Project Manager Planet 3/11/2008)
(InternetEvolution.com 8/2/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/12/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 1/7/2010)
Using mobile data for substantial business purposes
(CIOUpdate.com 12/3/2007)
(InternetEvolution.com 6/7/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 8/2/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 9/8/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 12/13/2011)
(Secure Thoughts 9/29/2016)
(CIOUpdate.com 11/30/2009)
Business gets serious about social media
(InternetEvolution.com 12/22/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 10/22/2012)
(CIOUpdate.com 3/15/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 12/19/2011)
(eSecurityPlanet.com 10/19/2011)
(Continental Magazine 4/1/2009)
A special section on real estate
(InternetEvolution.com 6/8/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/27/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 5/22/2012)
(American Express Executive Travel 10/1/2007)
A look at new thinking around innovation in the enterprise.
(Executive Travel Magazine 3/1/2011)
(American Express Executive Travel Magazine 9/1/2007)
A look at small businesses outsourcing to Asia
(InternetEvolution 3/11/2011)
(Celebrated Living Magazine 2/15/2010)
This is American Airlines 1st class pub
(InternetEvolution.com 5/31/2010)
(BBC 1/1/2015)
Custom content. I served as the writer.
(eSecurityPlanet 5/17/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 5/30/2012)
(American Express Executive Travel Magazine 12/1/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 10/8/2008)
Data portability and cloud computing
(InternetEvolution.com 4/16/2012)
(Continental Magazine 12/1/2005)
Profile of Phil Aiken, president of BHP Billton's energy group.
(InternetEvolution.com 2/7/2011)
Handicapping the tablet wars
(InternetEvolution 3/21/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 5/7/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 2/8/2011)
(American Express Executive Travel 10/1/2008)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/18/2012)
(Travelers Tales Ireland 1/1/2001)
A chapter in the travel guide.
(Continental Magazine 5/1/2008)
A look at the future of offshore petroleum production
(Selling Power Magazine 5/1/2008)
(InternetEvolution.com 2/11/2011)
(Upside 3/1/1999)
A look at Ireland's economic renaissance
(InternetEvolution.com 11/23/2010)
Rupert Murdoch's "The Daily"
(Better Bank Systems 2/6/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/18/2009)
(The Federal Credit Union 11/1/2015)
(Continental Magazine 7/1/2009)
(Entrepreneur Press 11/1/2000)
A how-to primer for would-be ecommerce mavens
(American Express Executive Travel 12/1/2013)
(Holland America's COMPASS 4/1/2010)
See my story "Savor the Flavor," re Barcelona tapas bars, in Holland America's COMPASS, on board magazine for cruisers. (Not online.)
(InternetEvolution.com 4/29/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/16/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 7/24/2012)
(Rutgers Magazine 1/1/2003)
The story behind the rise of the Rutgers philosophy department into national prominence.
(InternetEvolution.com 1/31/2012)
(InternetEvolution 4/11/2011)
(Crain's New York 11/2/2009)
An advertorial about Wolfgang's Steakhouse. Not online. PDF available upon request.
(CIOUpdate.com 8/13/2008)
(Continental Magazine 7/1/2009)
Not online. Ask me for a PDF
(BetterBankSystems 3/13/2012)
(CIOUpdate.com 12/30/2008)
(Corporate Secretary Magazine 5/1/2008)
Analysis of Motorola v Icahn and what this proxy fight bodes for public companies.
(InternetEvolution.com 8/11/2010)
IT drives conservation. New technologies make goals realistic.
(Enterprise Networking Planet 1/25/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 12/21/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 10/24/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 5/10/2010)
Google's e-books initiative may change all the rules of book buying.
(Enterprise Networking Planet 12/13/2011)
(Better Bank Systems 6/29/2012)
(Continental Magazine 3/1/2009)
More Manhattan restaurant recommendations
(Enterprise Networking Planet 1/25/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/6/2012)
(CIOUpdate.com 4/12/2011)
(Continental Magazine 2/1/2009)
Special section on executive education
(eSecurityPlanet.com 7/6/2011)
(CioUpdate.com 8/17/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 1/12/2012)
(Continental Magazine 2/1/2009)
Co-authored the cover story on frugal NYC
(The Mobility Hub 10/9/2012)
(New York Times 3/22/2010)
Advertorial re credit unions, in NYTimes' business section, print only (not online). PDF available on request.
(InternetEvolution.com 8/20/2012)
(Continental Magazine 3/1/2009)
Profile of the technical chair of the May Offshore Technology Conference in Houston
(Better Bank Systems 5/8/2012)
(CIOUpdate.com 4/24/2009)
("News & Views" (NYU's Langone Medical School) 11/1/2009)
Q & A with two psychiatrists who serve the NYU Medical School community
(BetterBankSystems 3/9/2012)
(eSecurityPlanet 11/2/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 8/26/2010)
(DataCenterAcceleration.com 3/28/2013)
(Continental Magazine 8/1/2009)
August cover story in the inflight, a look at Belfast, food, gee-gaw, and politics
(InternetEvolution 4/14/2011)
(New York Times 3/1/2007)
Advertorial text.
(ProjectManagerPlanet.com 11/6/2007)
The new traits leaders need today
(CIOUpdate.com 5/15/2008)
Advice for CIOs on persuading senior management/boards of directors
(Enterprise Networking Planet 6/12/2012)
(Better Bank Systems 5/24/2012)
(Digital Canvas Retail 12/6/2012)
(Continental Magazine 8/1/2009)
New trends reshape executive education
(InternetEvolution.com 2/9/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 4/11/2012)
(CIOUpdate.com 4/19/2011)
(Corporate Secretary Magazine 6/1/2009)
A look at the reasons behind the drop in securities lawsuits
(InternetEvolution.com 1/5/2011)
(Internet Evolution 1/13/2010)
Impacts of film piracy explored
(Porthole Cruise Magazine 2/1/2010)
Regular column in Porthole; this one looks at what happens when a person goes overboard from a cruise ship. NOT ONLINE. Pdf available upon request
(CioUpdate.com 9/28/2007)
Advice for CIOs on handling inquiries from the board of directors
(Continental Magazine 10/1/2007)
Cover story, about the emergence of Mumbai, India as a global business city.
(CIOUpdate.com 5/27/2011)
(Continental Magazine 5/1/2009)
Profile of Tony-award winning director Des McAnuff (Guys & Dolls, Jersey Boys, others)
(McGarvey's Blog 8/1/2013)
A blog about Financial Institution insecurities and cyber crime
(SaaS in the Enterprise 8/12/2013)
(Sherman Place Press 6/8/2011)
An ebook
(McGarvey's CV 3/13/2025)
(InternetEvolution.com 12/6/2011)
(InternetEvolution.com 2/7/2012)
(CioUpdate.com 6/30/2008)
How IT is coping with the emergence of procurement
(InternetEvolution.com 2/11/2010)
About the Chinese search giant
(InternetEvolution.com 8/30/2010)
(InternetEvolution.com 6/6/2012)
(The Mobility Hub 12/26/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 12/9/2011)
(CIOUpdate.com 7/31/2009)
Outsourced work heads to new locales, from Vietnam to Colombia
(CIOUpdate.com 12/30/2009)
(InternetEvolution.com 9/7/2012)
(American Way 11/1/2006)
Voice recognition comes of age
(InternetEvolution.com 1/3/2013)
(Crain's New York 3/30/2010)
Print only, not online. Advertorial for Wolfgang's Steakhouse, NYC
(DatacenterAcceleration 7/26/2013)
(InternetEvolution.com 11/17/2011)
(American Express Executive Travel Magazine 9/1/2010)
Why face to face matters in diplomacy
(InternetEvolution.com 2/15/2012)
(Enterprise Networking Planet 4/5/2012)
(Digital Canvas Retail 11/21/2012)
(Vital Care Magazine 4/1/2008)
A profile of Mt. Everest physician Dr. Luanne Freer in Vital Care, a custom publication for the American College of Emergency Physicians.
(InternetEvolution.com 11/27/2012)
(InternetEvolution.com 8/9/2012)
(Fortune Magazine 12/21/2009)
Advertorial re alternative energy. Not online, print only and only in California editions. (PDF available upon request.)
(Enterprise Networking Planet 4/18/2012)
(Harvard Business Review 11/1/2004)
An advertorial for HBR
(Men's Fitness 3/1/2003)
Quick, easy yoga moves for an office environment.