Partners HealthCare

Communications Manager, Global Health Equity

Partners HealthCare, Boston, Massachusetts, us, 02298


Directed by Dr. Gene Bukhman, the Center for Integration Science in Global Health Equity develops, implements, and evaluates integrated care delivery models to address severe, chronic noncommunicable diseases in highly constrained health systems. The most prominent of those models is PEN-Plus, a proven integrated healthcare delivery strategy for delivering complex care to people living with such conditions as type 1 diabetes, sickle cell disease, and rheumatic and congenital heart disease in rural sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

The Center for Integration Science is a collaboration of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Partners In Health. The Center for Integration Science is also the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center for Integration Science and Service Delivery. It further serves as one of two co-secretariats for the 22-country NCDI Poverty Network, as well as its advocacy initiative, the PEN-Plus Partnership, which unites a range of leading health organizations internationally, including the Africa Centres for Disease Control, the American Heart Association, the American Society of Hematology, the Helmsley Charitable Trust, JDRF International, Partners In Health, UNICEF, and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa.

To accomplish its ambitious mission, the Center for Integration Science provides technical, policy, advocacy, and financing support for national NCDI poverty commissions in Network countries as they progress through a four-phase theory of change. This theory of change starts with situation analysis and ultimately leads to the implementation of PEN-Plus at a national scale.

Reporting to the Communications Director, the Communications Manager provides communications expertise and support across a range of Center, Network, and Partnership initiatives. The Communications Manager also serves as a key member of the Center’s Advancement Team.

Principal Responsibilities:

Write feature stories, news briefs, announcements, and reports that tell patient, caregiver, and clinic stories; recognize the Center’s and Network’s achievements, research findings, and program outcomes; and publicize major events

Work collaboratively with the Communications Director, the Center’s research team, and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Office of Strategic Communications to identify, craft, and disseminate media releases on scientific findings, major grants, programmatic initiatives, and other significant research-related news, and to prepare complementary multimedia packages

With the Communications Director, manage contractors and freelancers producing media assets for the Center and the Network (including photographers, videographers, and writers)

Provide writing, editing, and production support as needed to update and enhance the Center’s and Network’s websites

Develop and maintain an ongoing calendar of traditional and digital media opportunities to establish an effective communications drumbeat to garner attention for PEN-Plus

Develop, maintain, and customize media lists

Work with other Advancement Team members to manage the Network’s social media channels

Work with the Communications Director to build an active and effective network of communicators across partner organizations to help raise the profile of PEN-Plus internationally