
E & I Designer - Contractor_

Strike, Spring, Texas, United States,

Job Summary:The Electrical & Instrumentation Designer will be responsible for Electrical and Instrument design efforts for projects related to terminals, gas processing plants, pump stations, meter stations, compressor stations and pipeline projects.

This position will support the Electrical and Instrumentation team with development of design drawings. Efficiently and accurately develop wiring and installation drawings for electrical equipment and instrumentation. This job requires interaction within the Strike EPC Services group including other engineering disciplines, as well as interaction with Strike construction group.Primary Job Functions:+ Assist engineers and lead designer with initial design and drawing requirements.+ Conceptualize plans, details and sections to accurately convey construction or fabrication requirements.+ Take personal responsibility for the quality and accuracy of his/her work.+ Coordinate and analyze vendor supplied drawings and incorporate the required information into project drawings.+ Apply the NEC and perform calculations related to sizing electrical circuits and equipment.+ Perform other duties as required.Experience:+ 5+ years of experience (or Associate's Degree & 4 years of experience) in facilities creating I & E drafting/design drawings preferably in Meter Stations, Pump Stations, Launcher/Receivers, Main Line Valves, Compression Stations and As-builts.+ Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Outlook).Competencies:+ Kno w l e d g e o f h a z ar d o u s a r e a e l e ctr i cal s y s t e m s.+ Pr o f ici e n t in c u rre n t r e l e a s e o f A u t o C A D an d CADWorx, Mic r o s o f t W o r d , an d Micro s o f t E xc e l.+ T h or ou gh und e r s t and i n g an d eff i ci e n cy w ith sta nd a r d d es i g n an d d ra f ti n g p ractic e s.+ E x p e rti s e in E & I d es ign p racti c e s for O&G i ndu s tries.+ E x p e ri e n ce w or k i n g with l a r g e mo t or s , VF D s , M C C s , ra c ew a y sy s te m s , i ndu s tri a l lig h ti n g, a n d gr ound i n g.+ E x p e ri e n ce w ith electrical i n s tr um e n t a ti on , h a z ar d o u s l o ca t ion wiri n g p ractic es , p a n e l de s ign, an d P LC h ar d w are.+ 5+ y e a r s o f d e s ign e x p e r i e n c e.+ 5+ y e a r s o f A u t o C A D a nd CADWorx ex pe ri e n c e.+ 5+ years' experience

within the En gin e e ri n g an d C o n s tr u ction i ndu s try.Other Criteria:+ Ability to work flexible hours, occasionally in excess of a normal schedule.+ Must be willing to travel to project sites to collect field data.+ May be required to be out of town for multiple days at a time.+ Complies with Strike’s policies and procedures.+ Complies with Strike’s Drug & Alcohol Policy maintaining favorable drug testing results throughout employment.+ Performs job safely with respect to others, property and individual safety.+ Authorized to work in the United States.Strike is an Equal Opportunity EmployerPowered by JazzHR