
Product Design Lead

Cadre, San Francisco, California, United States, 94199

Product Design Leadat Zeal by Puzzl Group Inc.Remote or San Francisco, CA


We enable growing platforms to build payroll. Our programmatic payroll solution and infrastructure powers the payroll stack for large-scale employers, such as gig economy and staffing companies, and prominent fintech, HR, and back office solutions. We not only help our customers manage their compliance, but also have the immense responsibility of ensuring accurate and timely payments to hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans.

As a Series A company, backed by top investors such as Y Combinator and Spark Capital (Plaid, Marqeta, Coinbase, Anthropic), we are pioneers in the space of embedded payroll and aim to revolutionize the way people use and think about payroll systems.

Our mission is to revolutionize how people build payment and payroll services by providing robust, seamless, and forward-thinking technology and we'd love to learn more about you and how you could be a fit for our growing team!


We're looking for an ambitious Product Design Lead to lead early-stage user research + design and set the foundation for Zeal's design strategy and philosophy. You'll help to define Zeal's vision, product strategy, and UX-driving the product design lifecycle end-to-end. You will work in close collaboration with the product, engineering, and partner growth teams, to break down technically complex problems and shape them into elegant, novel solutions that are discoverable, learnable, and powerful.

As an early member of the design team, you'll also have great influence in shaping our processes, objectives, and growth.

SOME THINGS YOU MAY BE WORKING ONCreatively work in Figma building effective wireframesLead improvements to our design system with a keen focus on UX research, design philosophy, and UI principles.Be the voice of customer and the user's champion in the product development lifecycle and take initiative on gathering user feedback + data using strong project management capabilitiesManage several keystone design projects from white-board to product launch with strong teamwork between product and engineering teamsDesign new editions to our white label components, design new and refactor current dashboard features and contribute to design documentation and design best-practicesCollaborate with our Partner Growth team and conduct user research to iterate on new product design featuresBe a strategic partner in product strategy and how design can play a key role in how we build and ship new product features!YOU HAVE

6+ years of experience as a product designer working with product and engineering teamsFamiliarity with the customer discovery and development processExperience whiteboarding, conducting user research, and creating mock-ups/wireframes/prototypesExpert in Figma and Adobe/Sketch/IllustratorAbility to understand payroll and APIs with an ability to present your work to stakeholdersA desire to own design strategy and contribute to the overall product roadmap at ZealStrong design leadership experiences and able to convey your opinions to cross-departmental teams and stakeholdersYou care deeply about building something people loveNICE TO HAVE'S

B2B design experience / start-up experienceFintech background or a strong interest to learn more about payroll and APIsSELLING POINTS

You will have autonomy/ownership in how our product is designed and developedWe want to invest in you, we will help you gain the skills and experiences to reach your professional goals here at Zeal and beyondWe value design and see it as an integral aspect of how Zeal can grow and scale. Our team will be your champions in seeing your designs become a reality!OUR CULTURE

We are a tight-knit, inclusive community that is into: music , cocktails , pets , and above all else ~ high-quality espresso but more importantly we value championing for our staff to bring their authentic true selves to work and aim to provide a fun and collaborative work environment for everyone!


100% health coverage premium paid by the company; vision, dental, and 80% for dependents with HSA optionsLife Insurance, Accidental Insurance, and access to free EAP servicesGenerous salary and equity for all staff10-year equity option exercise window for all employees401k option; helping you save for the futureCommuters Stipend for all SF-based employeesYearly Professional Development Stipend to use on courses, books, events, etcMonthly Happy Hours, Team Lunches, Boba breaks, and lots of Events (board games, trivia, bowling, VR, golfing, hiking)Company Wide Offsite every year (2023 - Coronado Island 2022 - Sonoma and Napa )Awesome Zeal Swag - did you know a group of Zebra is called a Zeal, that's why we have a Zebra mascot!


The range for this role is between $155,000-$185,000 for California-based candidates


Intro Call:

30 min

Hiring Manager Chat:

30 min

Take-Home Project

Final Interview

Step 1: Presentation to Product team (60 min)

Step 2: Behavioral Chat (30 min)

Step 3: Cultural Chat (30 min)

Step 4: Leadership Chat (20 min)