Philips North America

Senior UX Designer- Patient Monitoring

Philips North America, Cambridge, Massachusetts, us, 02140

Job TitleSenior UX Designer- Patient MonitoringJob Description

Senior UX Designer- Patient Monitoring (Cambridge, MA)The Senior UX Designer will play a critical role in shaping superior user experiences across Philips’ world-leading Hospital Patient Monitoring (HPM) products & solutions, aligning with user needs/business requirements and helping caregiver teams around the world safely monitor and manage over 600 million patients a year.Your role:Initiate and lead UI/UX design programs and drive the UX direction for medical software platforms and applications resulting in superior user experiences in line with our Design Language System.Initiate and lead collaborations across functions, development, and clinical partner sites to ensure solutions consider all functional, clinical, and regulatory requirements.Be responsible for deliverables from inception to completion such as: UX requirements, work/interaction flows, UX concepts, (usability) prototypes, and design specifications.Manage and communicate progress and decisions effectively across cross-functional teams and stakeholders.Be an ambassador in UX design, striving for the highest usability standards and upholding patient safety and quality standards.This


Cambridge, MA

based role may require travel up to 10%.You're the right fit if:You’ve acquired 5+ years’ experience in UI/UX design, with a detailed understanding of healthcare systems, clinical workflows and software solutions in FDA regulated, medical product/software environments.You’ve earned a bachelor’s degree in UX design, industrial design, or similar disciplines (master’s degree desired).Your skills include:

Ability to handle complex sets of cross-functional inputs and apply a (design) systems thinking approach, and translate effectively to UX design requirements and information architectures.Ability to question assumptions, gather and analyze information to come to better and innovative solutions.Proven experience with user, usability, and field research methods like user journeys and workflow analysis to define user insights/requirement and improve the overall user experience.Knowledge of latest technology advancements and design tools, interaction design patterns, and visual design trends. Expertise in interaction, concept, and visual design.Expert in UI/UX design tools (e.g. Figma) and UX prototyping.

You’re able to deal with ambiguity, comfortable proposing new directions and concepts without always having all the necessary information. You’re a team player, have an inclusive mindset, have strong communication and storytelling skills, confidence, and ability to manage senior stakeholders.You must be able to successfully perform the following minimum Physical, Cognitive and Environmental job requirements with or without accommodation for this position.About PhilipsWe are a health technology company. We built our entire company around the belief that every human matters, and we won't stop until everybody everywhere has access to the quality healthcare that we all deserve. Do the work of your life to help improve the lives of others.Learn more about our business.Discover our rich and exciting history.Learn more about our purpose.Read more about our employee benefits.If you’re interested in this role and have many, but not all, of the experiences needed, we encourage you to apply. You may still be the right candidate for this or other opportunities at Philips. Learn more about our commitment to diversity and inclusion here.Additional InformationUS work authorization is a precondition of employment. The company will not consider candidates who require sponsorship for a work-authorized visa, now or in the future.#LI-PH1This requisition is expected to stay active for 45 days but may close earlier if a successful candidate is selected or business necessity dictates. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to ensure consideration.Philips is an Equal Employment and Opportunity Employer/Disabled/Veteran and maintains a drug-free workplace.