State of Rhode Island


State of Rhode Island, Providence, Rhode Island, us, 02912

GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: To perform responsible technical work in connection with the implementation of a state wide program of public health promotion to improve the public’s attitudes, knowledge and behavior regarding health lifestyle and including the preparation and presentation of multi-media public health promotion materials and programs; and to do related work as required

SUPERVISION RECEIVED: Works under the general supervision of a superior with some latitude for the exercise of initiative and independent judgement; work is reviewed in process and upon completion for results obtained and conformance with program objectives, laws, policies and accepted professional standards.

SUPERVISION EXERCISED: May review the work of subordinate technical and clerical personnel assigned to assist in a state wide public health promotion program.

To perform responsible technical work in connection with the implementation of a state wide program of public health promotion designed to reduce mortality and morbidity from major chronic and/or infectious diseases and injury through changes in attitudes, knowledge and behavior.

To assist in the development of public health promotion programs addressing smoking, substance abuse, nutrition, fitness and exercise, seatbelt use, immunizations, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases and other major health risk behaviors, particularly those associated with heart disease, cancer, stroke, injury and other preventable communicable and/or chronic diseases.

To collaborate in the development of continuous and effective state wide public health promotion programs, utilizing, but not limited to the following; exhibit material, multi-media presentations, lectures and community group discussions and seminars and professional symposia.

To assist in the preparation, selection, assembly and distribution of public health promotion materials, both separately and as part of a major multi-media public health promotion campaign.

To assist community agencies, professional and consumer groups, and the public in understanding public health promotion programs of the department and in implementing local public health promotion programs.

To obtain, analyze and interpret information and data related to public health promotion programs and health risk behaviors in the population.

To attend professional conferences and meetings as required and to make presentations at such conferences and meetings.

To prepare reports as required.

To do related work as required.

KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND CAPACITIES: A thorough knowledge of the principles, practices and techniques of public health; a working knowledge and skill in the development and implementation of public health promotion programs resulting in changes in knowledge, attitudes and behavior related to major chronic and infectious diseases; a familiarity with chronic and/or communicable disease epidemiology; the ability to make written and oral presentations concerning a state wide program in public health promotion; the ability to supervise and review the work of assistants and clerical staff assisting in the implementation of a state wide public health promotion program; the ability to assist in the conduct and reporting of public health promotion research and demonstration projects in accordance with accepted principles of scientific methodology; the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with superiors, associates, subordinates, public groups and private and public agencies; and related capacities and abilities.EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE:Education: Such as may have been gained through: graduation from a college of recognized standing with specialization in Public Health, Public Administration or a closely related field; andExperience: Such as may have been gained through: employment in a responsible position in a public or private agency engaged in the field of public health promotion programs.Or, any combination of education and experience that shall be substantially equivalent to the above education and experience.The State Physical Activity Coordinator (SPAC) will oversee the day-to-day leadership and management of the built environment-related deliverables under the CDC State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) Cooperative Agreement. This position resides within RIDOH’s Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Program.

Within this role, the SPAC will execute on work plan strategies and activities related to policies and activities to connect pedestrian, bicycle and transit oriented networks (active-friendly routes) within communities where individuals reside. The SPAC will also work closely with the HEAL Program Evaluator to ensure that CDC short, medium and long term outcomes and performance measures are met. The SPAC will also provide subject matter expertise and technical assistance to internal and external partners along with implementation of evidence-based and promising practices to increase access to safe places to recreate along with active transportation for all Rhode Islanders. Work will include oversight of the RI Streets Transformation Project, in partnership with Grow Smart RI. Oversight of the Grow Smart RI contract and all contract deliverables. It is essential that the candidate has a strong knowledge and skill set in working on the built environment and physical activity policies and programs. Strong writing skills are required, along with the ability to present to state and national leadership. CDC grant management experience is also required. Bi-lingual preferred but not required.
