Colorado Pro Svcs

Email Marketing Campaign Set-Up Technician

Colorado Pro Svcs, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, 80509

Colorado-area client (herein "user", "us", "we") seeks experienced professional (or capable student) to handle below-specified needs.

A temporary situation - then as-needed for software/operational maintenance & upgrades.

Moonlighting/after-hours acceptable.

Compensation to be discussed: payable on project-basis + hourly for maintenance & trouble-shooting. Can be established none, part or all as performance-based.

Work will be specified in and based on an agreed-to binding technical services contract.

TASKS/FUNCTIONS:Set up outbound campaign client-software & networking for us so we can ...import & manage lead-addresseskick off e-mktg campaign dispatchesperform automated & manual lead database maintenance

Assist us to choose best hardware, network & software routes & options: Dedicated SMTP? Shared SMTP? Web-app? Other? What else?

Set up so that we can initiate, control and handle all aspects of our initial and subsequent campaigns.

Includes establishing an email-client which auto-updates dispatch-lists based on bounces and opt-outs.

APPLICABLE EXPERIENCE:Top candidate will have demonstrated successful background in necessary tasks & functions - including thorough knowledge of all initial & scalable email configuration options - and be able to intelligently & progressively discuss.

INITIAL COLD-OUTREACH E-CAMPAIGN:Target: approx 6,250 implied-permission nationwide e-addresses wiithin two financial service companies.

Up to twelve text-only messages dispatched Mon-Wed-Fri or othervariable/user-adjustable frequencies.

SUBSEQUENT COLD-OUTREACH CAMPAIGNS:Domestic & int'l implied-permission e-addresses dispatched in waves of 100, 500, 1000 & possibly higher.

OF NOTE:CAN-SPAM and GDPR will not be observed - so Domestic (US) dispatch-entities which auto-apply CAN-SPAM/GDPR opt-outs & similar will not be used.

Please provide Professional Resume or similar hi-level run-down of related experience.____________________