Climate Now

Data Visualization Designer

Climate Now, New York, New York, United States,

Graphics / Data Visualization Designer

Climate Now - a podcast and news platform covering the latest developments in the fight against climate change – is seeking an experienced Graphics / Data Visualization Designer to lead on creating the visual and interactive content of SRM360, a new information initiative to explain the science and challenges around Sunlight Reflection Methods (SRM).

SRM – also known as solar geoengineering - is a controversial set of ideas to reflect back a small portion of sunlight to reduce rising temperatures. But there is limited understanding about what these technologies are, how they might work, and what their effects might be. This increases the risk of uninformed decisions leading to harmful outcomes.

SRM360 will be an independent non-profit knowledge hub, launching later this year, that summarizes and analyses the evidence, highlights open questions, and reports on the latest developments. It will work with global SRM experts, and serve audiences working in policy, journalism, education, and climate action. It takes no position on whether or how SRM should be used; its focus is on presenting the science impartially, in formats that are clear and accessible, to enable audiences to reach a view and inform their own audiences in turn.

The role requires a creative and curious individual, who enjoys absorbing large amounts of science and data to produce clear, accurate and compelling images. Good accessible visualizations about SRM are in short supply, are much needed by our audiences, and could have a profound impact on the debate.

Familiarity with climate change and science communications is A MUST. Specific knowledge of SRM is not necessary. The Editorial Director and Director of External Relations will work with the designer to highlight specific SRM communications challenges.

The candidate will be a self-starter, able to hit the ground running and bring new insights to SRM360’s team, ready to manage activities including:

Creating and editing compelling visual content, including images, maps, graphs, diagrams, and infographics. The designer will be able to create these images, but will also have a network of other designers who could help if needed;Transforming data - quantitative and qualitative - into compelling visualizations;Designing interactive content: we want to be known for allowing our audiences to explore the data in their own way;Maintaining brand consistency, including tone and style;Providing strategic advice on what products work best for what audience;Meeting tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment;A passion for making complex and controversial ideas accessible.

All candidates MUST submit a resume, cover letter, and portfolio to resumes@srm360.org.