
Senior UI Developer

Leidos, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 21276


Leidos is seeking a Senior UI Developer to be part of the mission solution and help lead SSA’s Digital Modernization Strategy. Join one of our high performing teams responsible for building the next-generation enterprise APIs and modern responsive user interfaces, supporting the Social Security Administration (SSA) and their mission to meet the changing needs of the public, positively impacting at least 65 million American lives per month. We are a team of forward-looking professionals in need of a strong candidate with these key required skills: Strong knowledge of modern JavaScript and experience with ES6+ features, web component development, CSS and CSS preprocessors such as SASS and LESS, stencil.js and familiarity with REACT and Angular.

If this sounds like a mission you want to be a part of, keep reading!


Your passion and values might be a good fit for our teams if you answer “yes” to the following questions:

Are you looking for a company that puts employees first, with a focus on career, flexibility, and well-being?

Do you enjoy collaborating with colleagues and teammates and believe that the best ideas are fostered in an inclusive environment?

Are you searching for a team with a strong sense of ownership, urgency, and drive for daily mission success?

Are you comfortable with proactive outward communication and technical leadership?

Do you enjoy being a catalyst, solving complex problems, and providing innovative solutions?

Do you have the flexibility, creativity, and resilience to pivot the mission for success?

Do you have the courage to make tough ethical decisions with pride, transparency, and respect?


Our teams are dedicated to supporting new team members in an environment that celebrates knowledge sharing and mentorship. Experienced team members will be assigned to new hires for one-on-one mentoring, collaborative reviews, and coaching on customer engagement to help each new hire successfully onboard and demonstrate their skills. Projects and tasks are assigned in a way that leverages your strengths and will help you further develop your skillset.


Every position we take is more rewarding when you know the why behind it. Know your work makes a difference to support those who need it most. If your passion is enabling life changing service to those around, you this is the place for you. Find you passion in a team environment where all members are valued regardless of contractor or employee status. Find your “Why” with us and take your place in our Leidos Family!!

Develop highly innovative UI design, Web components, achieved through collaboration and dialogue with other experts in the field. The candidate will continually assess advancements in technologies to gauge and recommend better solutions for the customer to improve the software developer experience and efficient delivery of software.

Attend all customer technical discussions/design/development meetings and provide technical inputs to further enhance the code quality/process.

Front end development using modern JavaScript and experience with ES6+ features, such as classes, arrow functions, template literals and modules.

Provide guidance/support to other junior/mid-level developers.

Impact functional strategy by developing new solutions, processes, standards, or operational plans that position Leidos competitively in the marketplace.

All other duties as assigned or directed.

FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS (Basic Qualifications)

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering or a related field.

Masters or Doctorate degree may substitute for required experience

Must be able to obtain a Public Trust. Contract requirement.

10+ years of experience with Web component development using modern JavaScript, CSS and CSS preprocessors such as SASS and LESS, ES 6+, and Stencil.js.

*** Selected candidate must reside within two (2) hours of SSA Headquarters in Woodlawn, MD OR be willing to relocate prior to first day of employment


These skills will help you succeed in this position:

Strong knowledge of modern JavaScript and experience with ES6+ features, such as classes, arrow functions, template literals and modules.

Senior Level development experience with React, Angular or another modern SPA framework.

Strong experience with CSS and CSS preprocessors such as SASS.

Experience with web component development and the web component APIs (Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, etc.)

Experience working with design systems.

Understanding of accessibility and how to create accessible web applications.

Familiarity with StencilJS a plus.

Strong front-end debugging and troubleshooting skills.

Understanding of web performance optimization techniques and best practices.

Experience using Git and version control.

Familiarity with modern front-end build pipelines and tools.


Showcase your knowledge of modern development through the following experience or skills:

Experience with modern development software, tools, and methodologies.

Experience working on Agile projects and understanding Agile terminology.

Work in DevOps Environment.

Experience with Linux environments.

Participate in daily scrum and provide updates.

Excellent communication and written skills

At Leidos, we deliver innovative solutions through the efforts of our diverse and talented people who are dedicated to our customers’ success. We empower our teams and contribute to our communities. Everything we do is built on a commitment to do the right thing for our customers, our people, and our community. Our Mission, Vision, and Values guide the way we do business. Every position we take is more rewarding when you know the why behind it. Know your work makes a difference to support those who need it most. If your passion is enabling life changing service to those around, you this is the place for you. Find your passion in a team environment where all members are valued regardless of contractor or employee status. We are excited for you to take your place in our Leidos Family.

Are you an US citizen, US resident, or Visa candidate and think you might fit? We recommend you apply and start the conversation today! Join us in supporting our SSA contracts in Woodlawn, Maryland.

Pay Range:Pay Range $118,300.00 - $213,850.00

The Leidos pay range for this job level is a general guideline only and not a guarantee of compensation or salary. Additional factors considered in extending an offer include (but are not limited to) responsibilities of the job, education, experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as internal equity, alignment with market data, applicable bargaining agreement (if any), or other law.