St Olaf College

Spring 25' Flaten Art Museum Senior Studies Poster Designer II Job at St Olaf Co

St Olaf College, Northfield, MN, United States, 55057

Job Description

Job Title: Senior Studies Poster Designer
Classification: Student Employee (non-exempt)
Name and Address of Employer: St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave, Northfield, MN 55057
If the position requires the student to work off campus, provide the name and address here:

Department Name: Flaten Art Museum
Unit Number (5 digits): 11784
Length of Position: See Employment Authorization
Contact Person/Supervisor: Krista Anderson-Larson
Pay Rate (Check One) Standard Hourly Rate x Supervisory/Special Skills Hourly Rate

Description of the Position: (Purpose of the Position):
A member (or members) of the Senior Studies (ART 343) class, nominated by peers, will design the Senior Art Show poster in consultation with the Flaten Art Museum's staff and graphic designer.
Transferable Skills:
•Graphic Design
•Project Management
Duties and Responsibilities:
•Design a poster for the Senior Art Show.
•Consult with Flaten Art Museum staff and graphic designer throughout the semester for revision suggestions and finalization (based on timeline in syllabus).
•Ensure accuracy of content (names, dates, times, etc.) in final design.
•Coordinate asset delivery and printing of the poster with Flaten Art Museum staff and graphic designer.
Qualifications: (Education/Experience/Skills)
Previous graphic design and project management skills and experience.
This job description is for general information purposes. It is not intended to list all duties and responsibilities of the position. This job description is subject to change at any time by St. Olaf College, with or without prior notice.