Evo Technologies
Website Developer / AdministratorEvo Technologies is seeking a candidate with strong communication skills and the ability to work well independently and in a team environment. The Network Engineer will support the Rockville Housing Enterprises. BACKGROUND: Rockville Housing Enterprises (RHE) is a public body organized under the laws of the State of Maryland. The Agency consists of 80 public housing units, 385 Housing Choice Voucher allocations, 236 other affordable housing units, 121 other affordable housing units, and 56 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit units. JOB DESCRIPTION: Services shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Servicing Internet and Server connections Coordination with RHEs software vendor Coordination with the VOIP phone provider Provide, Manage, and Service hardware and software needs Maintenance of RHE website Set up email accounts Maintain Internet Security Protocols Other services related to the ongoing management and maintenance of RHE hardware, software, and internet services. EDUCATION:Bachelors degree in Information Technology or a related field (e.g., Management Information Systems, Computer Science etc.).Five (5) years experience with Network Engineering, Network Administrating, IT support, customer service.
recblid ez4es9dkehxba0huy07mh3ht0g2t8b