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Hi, Can someone please add a news filter to my existing EA and future EAs?
News filter:
- Detect upcoming news relevant to pair.
- Cancel existing orders x mins before news event.
- Disable EA x mins before news event.
I need a news filter function that I can implement into different EAs. The news filter will detect upcoming news and disable the EA from trading (opening new positions and deleting open pending orders) x minutes before news releases and enable the EA to continue trading x minutes after the news release.
Inputs in user menu:
- Enable news filter? true/false
- Only symbol news? true/false (if true -> only news that impact the currencies in the traded symbol will be used; if false -> all news releases will be used)
- Disable trading during US news? true/false (if true, the function will disable trading during US related news regardless of the symbol the EA is trading on)
- Stop trading during high impact news: true/false
- Minutes before high impact news release to stop trading: mm
- Minutes after high impact news to continue trading: mm
- Minutes before medium impact news release to stop trading: mm
- Minutes after medium impact news to continue trading: mm
- Stop trading during low impact news: true/false
- Minutes before low impact news release to stop trading: mm
- Minutes after low impact news to continue trading: mm
- Close positions in profit before news: true/false
- Close positions in loss before news: true/false
- Show news comments: true/false
- If true, the EA will print a comment in the bottom right corner of the chart displaying the following:
- Server time and GMT time of the next news release.
- Level of next news release, i.e., High impact/ Medium impact or Low impact.
- Symbol the next news release will impact, for example, USD.
- Name of the next news release, for example, FOMC.
The print should be a single line of text. Here is an example of how it should look:
Next news release: 16:00 server time/ 17:00 GMT time, High Impact, USD, FOMC.
Draw lines at news events: true/false
If "Draw lines at news events" is set to true, the EA will draw vertical lines at the time of future news releases. The lines must stay on the chart after the news release has happened also if the terminal is closed and opened again.
- The EA will only draw lines for the news releases the user wants to stop trading during. For example, if the user only wants to stop trading during high and medium impact news, then no lines will be drawn for low impact news.
- The lines should be color coded. Color, width, and style of the lines should be adjustable from the menu.
Default settings will be:
- High impact news: clrRed, width:1, style:dotted
- Medium impact news: clrYellow, width:1, style:dotted
- Low impact news: clrGreen, width:1, style:dotted
The EA will still manage open positions during the news. For example, if a position is open that was opened before the news release, the EA will still update trailing stop and break even functions etc. of that position.