Pleasant Valley Community School District

Teacher Librarian Job at Pleasant Valley Community School District in Bettendorf

Pleasant Valley Community School District, Bettendorf, Iowa, United States

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We have the following openings for the 2025-2026 school year:

Forest Grove Elementary
  • Teacher Librarian
  • K-8 Elementary School Teacher Librarian and/or K-12 School Teacher Librarian endorsement required
    • As part of the application process, all candidates are required to submit a detailed lesson plan. Please follow the guidelines below to structure your lesson plan:
      • Write a lesson plan for a 30-minute interactive lesson with third grade students, which includes a story or part of a story or novel, that helps a diverse group of third grade readers grow towards master of the following Reading Standard focused on Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently. (RI.3.10) (DOK 1,2)