Ottawa Tourism

Manager, Marketing/Gestionnaire, Marketing Job at Ottawa Tourism in Ottawa

Ottawa Tourism, Ottawa, ON, CA, K2P 1L4

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Job Description:\n\nSalary: Overview Ottawa Tourisms vision is to be one of Canadas most visited, sustainable, vibrant, and valued urban destinations and the tourism authority for key economic development and city-building decisions in Ottawa. Ottawa Tourism's mission is to market and sell Ottawa as a compelling leisure and business destination and lead or participate in initiatives that improve Ottawas visitor experience. We contribute to the broader economic development objectives of the city and the success of our stakeholders and, by doing so, enrich the quality of life for all Ottawa residents. Reporting to the Senior Manager, Marketing, the Marketing Manager (Paid & Partnerships) is responsible for the planning, execution, measurement and reporting of digital and traditional paid media campaigns, in collaboration with agencies and internal teams. They also oversee Ottawa Tourisms marketing partnerships, ensuring alignment with strategic goals and delivering measurable results. The Marketing Manager (Paid & Partnerships) plays a pivotal role in driving Ottawa Tourisms marketing strategy by managing paid media initiatives and key partnerships. This role ensures seamless integration across paid, owned, and earned channels, maximizing campaign effectiveness and partner value. As a key contributor to the marketing team, this position requires strong analytical capabilities, strategic thinking, and the ability to build and nurture relationships with internal and external stakeholders. This position is based out of the Ottawa Tourism offices in beautiful downtown Ottawa. Ottawa Tourism employs a hybrid work model, with some ability for all employees to work remotely. In some cases, certain positions will have an ongoing requirement to maintain a physical presence in the office. Such details will be discussed during the application process. Key Competencies Understanding of and appreciation for the general scope of a marketing role within a destination marketing contextManagerial-level communication and analysis skillsStrong ability to prioritize, manage projects, and think strategicallyWillingness to act as a key contributor in a fast-paced organizationAbility to accept direct responsibility for initiatives and concerns that are vital to the positionAbility to build and maintain internal and external relationships; high level of competence in internal and external stakeholder managementBroad flexibility in outlook, task orientation, working style, and approachStrong commitment to continuous self-improvement and to the improvement of the position requirements Primary Areas of Responsibility Paid Media Strategy & Execution In consultation with the Marketing, Senior Manager, collaborate with agency partners to develop and implement comprehensive paid media strategies, ensuring alignment with Ottawa Tourisms brand positioning and business objectives.Oversee multi-channel media planning, including digital (search, social, display, programmatic), out-of-home, print, and broadcast media, ensuring campaigns effectively reach key target audiences.Collaborate with media agencies and internal teams to execute high-performing campaigns, optimizing for engagement, reach, and conversion.Conduct ongoing performance analysis, leveraging data and key insights to optimize campaigns in real-time and provide strategic recommendations.Stay ahead of industry trends and emerging media technologies to ensure Ottawa Tourism remains innovative in its approach to paid advertising. Marketing Partnerships & Sponsorships Serve as the primary liaison for marketing partnerships, developing customized partnership opportunities that drive mutual value for Ottawa Tourism and its stakeholders.Lead negotiations, contract development, and execution of partnership agreements, ensuring deliverables align with strategic marketing priorities.Work collaboratively across teams to ensure partnership commitments are effectively integrated into paid media, content, and owned asset strategies.Manage a partnership performance tracking system, providing timely insights and ROI reports to assess the effectiveness of partnership programs. Campaign Oversight & Cross-Team Collaboration Lead the development and execution of integrated marketing campaigns, collaborating closely with the Marketing Manager (Creative) to ensure creative is compelling and high-impact assets.Partner with the Marketing Specialist to manage day-to-day campaign logistics, including budget tracking, campaign setup, reporting, and fulfillment of partner deliverables.Ensure paid media efforts are strategically integrated into owned channels (social, web, email), maximizing exposure and engagement.Provide insights and data-driven recommendations to senior leadership, helping to inform broader marketing and organizational strategy. Performance Analysis, Budget Management & Reporting Own and oversee campaign analytics and measurement, ensuring all paid media and partnership initiatives are performance-driven and aligned with KPIs.Work with agency partners and internal data teams to generate reports and dashboards, analyzing results and identifying opportunities for optimization.Oversee paid media budgets with precision, ensuring efficient allocation of funds across campaigns and channels while maximizing ROI.Deliver regular reporting to internal teams, leadership, and stakeholders, translating data into actionable insights and strategic recommendations. Leadership & Innovation Act as a thought leader within the marketing team, proactively identifying opportunities for growth, innovation, and optimization in Ottawa Tourisms paid media and partnership programs.Represent Ottawa Tourism at industry events and networking opportunities to foster relationships with key partners, agencies, and stakeholders.Support ongoing team development, contributing to knowledge-sharing and training sessions to enhance marketing expertise across the organization. Desired Qualifications 5+ years of experience in marketing, paid media, or digital advertising. Experience in destination marketing, tourism, or agency environments is an asset.Strong expertise in paid media planning and execution across digital, traditional, and emerging channels.Experience working with media agencies, advertising platforms (Google Ads, Meta, programmatic DSPs), and measurement tools (Google Analytics, Data Studio, or similar).Proven ability to develop and manage marketing partnerships, negotiate agreements, and ensure strong partner alignment with brand objectives.Strong analytical mindset with the ability to interpret data, generate insights and recommendations to optimize campaigns for maximum effectiveness.Exceptional project management and organizational skills, with the ability to manage multiple campaigns and partnerships simultaneously.Experience managing budgets, contracts, and performance tracking, ensuring campaigns and partnerships deliver measurable impact.Ability to collaborate cross-functionally, working effectively with creative teams, agency partners, and internal stakeholders.Strong verbal and written communication and presentation skills, with an ability to clearly articulate strategies, results, and recommendations.A proactive and solutions-oriented approach, with a strong sense of initiative and innovation in marketing strategies. Assets Fully bilingual in both of Canadas official languages, both written and verbal.Previous experience working in tourism, hospitality, or destination management/marketing. The Hiring Process Initial Phone ScreenIn-Depth InterviewPeer InterviewReference checksOffer Land Acknowledgement Ottawa Tourism is located and operates on the traditional and unceded territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin people, who have travelled and inhabited these lands for millennia. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement We place great value on the importance of diversity in our workforce, and we value inclusivity, trust, innovation and encourage applications from individuals who are members of under-represented or marginalized communities. We foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization. We connect with Indigenous communities; we care about the planet our people and our industry, and we want our city to be accessible to all. To that end, we are committed to an objective hiring process which is free from discrimination based on any of the protected grounds as stated in Ontario's Human Rights Code. In an effort to ensure that the selection process is as objective as possible, applicants are invited to consider removing any indications on their application that might suggest age, place of origin, ethnic origin, disability, race, or any other protected ground. For example, applicants might choose to include the names and classification of degrees granted (i.e. Diplomain Project Management, with Honours),while excluding the name or location of the school. Accessibility Statement All applications will be considered as longas the applicant can demonstrate that theymeetthe essential qualifications as described in the job posting. Further to this, if you would like to request any additional accommodations based on one of the Code's protected grounds, we will be happy to help accommodate you. DEADLINE TO APPLY: Monday March 10th at 12pm Aperu La vision de Tourisme Ottawa est dtre lune des destinations urbaines les plus visites, les plus durables, les plus dynamiques et les plus apprcies au Canada, et dtre lautorit touristique en ce qui a trait aux dcisions cls lies au dveloppement conomique et gnral de la ville dOttawa. La mission de Tourisme Ottawa est de commercialiser et de vendre Ottawa en tant que destination de loisirs et daffaires attrayante et de diriger ou de participer des initiatives qui amliorent lexprience des visiteurs dOttawa. Nous contribuons aux objectifs plus larges de dveloppement conomique de la Ville et la russite des parties prenantes et, ce faisant, nous enrichissons la qualit de vie de tous les rsidents dOttawa. Relevant du gestionnaire principal, Marketing, le directeur du marketing (payants et partenariats) est responsable de la planification, de lexcution, de la mesure et de la production de rapports des campagnes mdias numriques et payantes traditionnelles, en collaboration avec les agences et les quipes internes. Il supervise galement les partenariats de marketing de Tourisme Ottawa, assurant lharmonisation avec les objectifs stratgiques et produisant des rsultats mesurables. Le gestionnaire, Marketing (payants et partenariats) joue un rle central dans lorientation de la stratgie de marketing de Tourisme Ottawa en grant les initiatives de mdias payants et les partenariats cls. Ce rle assure une intgration transparente entre les canaux payants, dtenus et acquis, maximisant lefficacit des campagnes et la valeur des partenaires. En tant que contributeur cl de lquipe de marketing, ce poste exige de solides capacits danalyse, une rflexion stratgique et la capacit dtablir et dentretenir des relations avec les parties prenantes internes et externes. Ce poste est bas dans les bureaux de Tourisme Ottawa, dans le magnifique centre-ville dOttawa. Tourisme Ottawa utilise un modle de travail hybride, qui permet tous les membres du personnel de travailler occasionnellement distance. Dans certains cas, les personnes titulaires de certains postes sont tenues de maintenir une prsence physique au bureau. Ces dtails seront abords dans le cadre du processus de recrutement. Comptences cls Comprhension et connaissance de la porte gnrale du rle du marketing dans le contexte de marketing de destinationsComptences en communication et en analyse de niveau gestionnaireForte capacit tablir des priorits, grer des projets et rflchir de manire stratgiqueVolont dagir en tant que contributeur cl au sein dun organisme dynamiqueCapacit accepter la responsabilit directe des initiatives et des proccupations qui sont essentielles pour le posteCapacit tablir et entretenir des relations internes et externes; haut niveaude comptences dans la gestion des parties prenantes internes et externesGrande souplesse en ce qui concerne les perspectives, lorientation des tches, le style de travail et lapprocheFort engagement envers le perfectionnement continu et lamlioration des exigences du poste Principaux domaines de responsabilit Stratgie et excution des mdias payants En consultation avec le gestionnaire principal, Marketing, collaborer avec les agences partenaires pour laborer et mettre en uvre des stratgies compltes de mdias payants, en veillant ce que le positionnement de la marque et les objectifs commerciaux de Tourisme Ottawa soient harmoniss. Superviser la planification des mdias multicanaux, y compris les mdias numriques (recherche, sociaux, affichage, programmatiques), les mdias extrieurs, imprims et de diffusion, en veillant ce que les campagnes atteignent efficacement les publics cibles cls. Collaborer avec les agences mdias et les quipes internes pour excuter des campagnes performantes, en optimisant la mobilisation, la porte et la conversion. Effectuer une analyse continue de la performance, en tirant parti des donnes et des informations cls pour optimiser les campagnes en temps rel et fournir des recommandations stratgiques. Rester lafft des tendances de lindustrie et des technologies mdiatiques mergentes pour sassurer que Tourisme Ottawa demeure innovateur dans son approche de la publicit payante. Partenariats de marketing et commandites Servir dagent de liaison principal pour les partenariats de marketing, en dveloppant des possibilits de partenariat personnalises qui gnrent une valeur mutuelle pour Tourisme Ottawa et ses intervenants. Diriger les ngociations, llaboration des contrats et lexcution des ententes de partenariat, en veillant ce que les livrables soient conformes avec les priorits stratgiques de marketing. Travailler en collaboration entre les quipes pour sassurer que les engagements de partenariat sont intgrs efficacement dans les stratgies de mdias payants, de contenu et dactifs dtenus. Grer un systme de suivi du rendement des partenariats, fournissant des renseignements opportuns et des rapports sur le retour sur investissement pour valuer lefficacit des programmes de partenariat. Surveillance de la campagne et collaboration entre les quipes Diriger le dveloppement et lexcution de campagnes de marketing intgres, en collaboration troite avec le directeur, Marketing (cration) pour sassurer que les crations sont des actifs attrayants et fort impact. Sassocier au spcialiste du marketing pour grer la logistique quotidienne des campagnes, y compris le suivi du budget, la configuration des campagnes, les rapports et lexcution des livrables des partenaires. Sassurer que les efforts de mdias payants sont stratgiquement intgrs aux canaux dtenus (sociaux, Web, courriel), maximisant ainsi lexposition et la mobilisation. Fournir des ides et des recommandations fondes sur des