0400 Teacher (Mixed) (0312 Journalism, 0482 Secondary Library Information Specia
DoDEA, Culver City, CA, United States, 90232
About the Position: This position is temporary not to exceed the 2024/2025 school year. This is a 0312 Teacher, Journalism, and 0482 Secondary Library Information Specialist teaching position for school year 2024/2025 at Zama MHS.
This position is covered by a bargaining unit.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you are interested in applying, please follow this link: DoDEA Employment Application System (EAS).
Who May Apply: U.S. Citizens
In order to qualify, you must meet the requirements described below.
0312 - Teacher, Journalism
A minimum of 30 semester hours of professional teacher education course work appropriately distributed in middle and secondary education is required. A minimum of 15 semester hours in math and 24 semester hours in reading, or 24 semester hours in math and 15 semester hours in reading is required.
0482 - Secondary Library Information Specialist
Requires a minimum of 12 semester hours in library/information science distributed over at least four of the following areas: library administration; cataloging and classification; reference; children's or adolescent literature; collection development; selection of print/non-print materials; current issues and trends in information science; and library automation. Also, requires a minimum of 12 semester hours in technology distributed over at least four of the following areas: computer applications; multimedia/audiovisual production; internet technology; online information/services; desktop publishing; network management; distance learning systems; and library automation.
Student Teaching or an Internship -
Student teaching or an internship as part of an approved teacher education program in an accredited U.S. institution is required. In the absence of an approved student teaching or internship program, applicants may be given credit for one year of successful full-time employment as an educator. Since that one year of employment substitutes for a course, no credit may be given for pay purposes. (Note: Speech Language Pathologists, Social Workers, School Nurses, Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists, JROTC Instructors and non-certified Training Instructors are excluded from the student teaching requirement.)
Testing Requirements -
Applicants must submit proof of achieving DoDEA's minimum scores for the required PRAXIS tests if applicable to you. Please note that DoDEA has adopted NEW test names and qualifying scores for PRAXIS I. There is no change in requirements for PRAXIS II and both PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II must be met.
For more information about qualifications and education needed for this DoDEA mixed specialist/teacher please go to the following links:
Basic Requirements: Teaching Categories and Requirements | Human Resources | DoDEA
Guidance Counselor Requirements: Student Support Services Categories and Requirements | Human Resources | DoDEA
AVID Teacher Requirements: Education Support Categories and Requirements | Human Resources | DoDEA