Wick Communications

Internship Reporter Job at Wick Communications in Sierra Vista

Wick Communications, Sierra Vista, AZ, United States, 85635

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Apply for a paid ($15/hr) summer internship at the Nogales International as a full-time reporter. During the six weeks, you'll get experience and professional feedback as you produce content for print, digital and social media platforms.

This intern will move through different beats, with opportunities to report on local government, schools, business, elections, community events, and border/immigration policies. This position is open to third-year, fourth-year and graduate students. Since Spanish is the first language of many in our community, basic Spanish fluency is preferred.

The NI is a twice-weekly newspaper located on the border with Nogales, Sonora, Mexico and just one hour south of Tucson. Our coverage area focuses on all of Santa Cruz County, which includes Nogales, Rio Rico and Tubac off of Interstate 19, as well as several ranching and agricultural communities like Patagonia, Sonoita and Elgin.

The NI is part of Wick Communications, a fourth-generation, family-owned media chain based in Sierra Vista, that is pursuing exciting print and digital media initiatives.
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