Hernando County School District
Digital Marketing Specialist
Hernando County School District, Brooksville, Florida, us, 34605
Noninstructional - Position - MIS/Technology - Other
Job Number 3800022819
Start Date
Open Date 02/25/2025
Closing Date 03/02/2025
Additional Job Information Required Qualifications: Associate's Degree in Marketing, Public Relations or closely related field from an accredited institution, or 3 years? experience in Marketing or Public Relations Knowledge of online marketing channels and social media platforms Ability to design creative content Experience in content management Computer knowledge and skills Knowledge of office practices and procedures Ability to work effectively with coworkers and the general public Ability to handle several job responsibilities simultaneously and meet project deadlines Ability to attend meetings and activities after hours
Salary Salary based upon approved salary schedule - Confidential Level J
Duty Days/Hours 249 Days/8 Hours
Fill ASAP? No
Job Number 3800022819
Start Date
Open Date 02/25/2025
Closing Date 03/02/2025
Additional Job Information Required Qualifications: Associate's Degree in Marketing, Public Relations or closely related field from an accredited institution, or 3 years? experience in Marketing or Public Relations Knowledge of online marketing channels and social media platforms Ability to design creative content Experience in content management Computer knowledge and skills Knowledge of office practices and procedures Ability to work effectively with coworkers and the general public Ability to handle several job responsibilities simultaneously and meet project deadlines Ability to attend meetings and activities after hours
Salary Salary based upon approved salary schedule - Confidential Level J
Duty Days/Hours 249 Days/8 Hours
Fill ASAP? No