Quincy Public School District #172
Instrumental Music (Band) Teacher
Quincy Public School District #172, Quincy, IL, United States
Position Type:
High School Teaching 9-12 Grades/Music - Band
Date Posted:
Quincy Senior High School Instrumental Music (Band) Teacher (Grades 6-12)
-Salary Range: Per contract, Bachelor's Degree - Doctorate Degree, depending on experience.
-Contract Link - https://www.qps.org/wp-content/uploads/QF-Local-809-CBA-2022-contract-for-website.pdf
Effective: 2024-25 School Year
-Must have Illinois Professional Educator License
-Must have Music Endorsement for grade level
-Instrumental Teaching Skills: Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion (Percussion Preferred)
-Marching Band & Jazz Band experience
-Experience teaching music electives such as beginning guitar, music theory or music appreciation preferred
Performance Responsibilities:
The successful candidate will exhibit the ability to:
Collaborate with a team of instrumental band teachers to deliver 6th - 12th grade to assist and lead band instruction and direction.
Direct QJHS Varsity Band in instrumental performances and assist with all other bands. Teach high school beginning guitar.
Some extra-curricular groups will also be available with the position (ex. High School marching band assistant, Junior High jazz band).
Monitor and assess student musical growth.
Create effective communication with students and parents.
Build positive and collaborative relationships with fellow music teachers and a positive and energetic rapport with students and parents.
If you have questions,
please contact:
Debbie Johnson
Music Director
High School Teaching 9-12 Grades/Music - Band
Date Posted:
Quincy Senior High School Instrumental Music (Band) Teacher (Grades 6-12)
-Salary Range: Per contract, Bachelor's Degree - Doctorate Degree, depending on experience.
-Contract Link - https://www.qps.org/wp-content/uploads/QF-Local-809-CBA-2022-contract-for-website.pdf
Effective: 2024-25 School Year
-Must have Illinois Professional Educator License
-Must have Music Endorsement for grade level
-Instrumental Teaching Skills: Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion (Percussion Preferred)
-Marching Band & Jazz Band experience
-Experience teaching music electives such as beginning guitar, music theory or music appreciation preferred
Performance Responsibilities:
The successful candidate will exhibit the ability to:
Collaborate with a team of instrumental band teachers to deliver 6th - 12th grade to assist and lead band instruction and direction.
Direct QJHS Varsity Band in instrumental performances and assist with all other bands. Teach high school beginning guitar.
Some extra-curricular groups will also be available with the position (ex. High School marching band assistant, Junior High jazz band).
Monitor and assess student musical growth.
Create effective communication with students and parents.
Build positive and collaborative relationships with fellow music teachers and a positive and energetic rapport with students and parents.
If you have questions,
please contact:
Debbie Johnson
Music Director
- Instrumental Music (Band) 6-12 Grade.docx