
Public Relations Specialist Job at Confidential in Irvine

Confidential, Irvine, California, United States

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Public Relations Specialist (F/T): Plan/direct dev/communication of programs to maintain fav public & stakeholder perceptions of accomplish-ments/agenda; Draft wide range of written material; Drive creative, integrated digital content strategies to amplify news & key initiatives across a broad range of channels & audiences; Establish & maintain relationships w/ reps of community, consumer, employees & public interest groups; Coach reps in communication w/ public; Study objectives, promotional policies & needs to effectively dev PR strategies; Prepare/edit publications. Offered Wage: $48,610/yr. Job loc: Irvine, CA. Bachelor's Deg in Public Relations reqd. Mail resumes: Attn: HR, Mokam Inc. 50 Tesla, Irvine, CA 92618
recblid cj0k59osqrxzd2hanlsfwiripx1442