
Reach is Looking for a Web Developer/Designer


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Reach is Looking for a Web Developer/Designer

Reach needs a web developer/designer. Are you that person? Do you know someone with that skill who you can pass this on to?

The web is central to how we communicate and work at Reach Records and ReachLife. Help us find someone with loads of talent.

Our needs are broad ranging from big web application projects to small email templates. Ideally the person would have:

  1. Efficient coding skills (great at php and/or RoR)
  2. Clear user interface design ability
  3. Moderate skill in graphic design
  4. Understanding of APIs
  5. Ability to create web applications from scratch
  6. Professionalism and punctual work
  7. Love for what you do
  8. Age is not a factor or some amazing looking resume. We only care that your work and reputation looks amazing.

If you or someone you know has experience in this area please email (dot) com with some quick info about yourself and a link to examples of your work.

We aren’t necessarily looking for a staff hire, just a relationship with a web developer to help handle our increasing needs on a case by case basis.
