First Baptist Charlotte

Creative Arts Video Editor/ Production Assistant

First Baptist Charlotte, Charlotte

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Essential Responsibilities

Media Overview

Help develop and production of communicating the gospel through You tube, podcast, live streaming, and other mass media avenues.

Help training of volunteers for our Media Ministry Team.

Help with the media needs of our church services.

The production of the weekly social media /Announcement Videos.

Help with the maintenance of all video, audio, lighting, and IMAG equipment.

Produce and edit the churches weekly Videos, podcast, TV broadcasts.

Help with the Design, equip and maintain media studios at FBC.

Other duties as assigned by the Minister of Creative Media Arts.

Sunday Mornings

Make sure all l videos are properly loaded and tested in pro presenter.

Set stage for singers, band, and Choir

Help with the Sunday morning Live production (Sound, Lights, and Video).

  • Help with the Sunday morning Live Stream.