University Lectureships in Writing
Humanities & Social Sciences
Reports To:
Department Chair
Position Type:
Position Summary:
The Departmentof Humanities and Social Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technologyseeks applications for University Lectureships affiliated with its WritingProgram. The Writing Program delivers two courses (Introduction to AcademicWriting and Introduction to Research Writing) designed to ensure the success ofall undergraduate students at a polytechnic academic institution. The WritingProgram also includes a course to accommodate the learning needs of studentsfor whom English is not a primary language and/or students who demonstrate aneed for additional academic preparation. In addition to in-class instructionalresponsibilities, University Lecturers are encouraged to contribute to otherwriting-related activities within the department and across the university,including the Writing Center, the English Language Program, the Center forEducational Innovation and Excellence, and the Center for Pre-College Programs.
Essential Functions :
The Departmentof Humanities and Social Sciences is an interdisciplinary community ofresearchers and educators that encourages current pedagogy consistent with theaims of a technologically intensive university. Under the supervision of theDirector of the Writing Program and the Department Chair, the UniversityLecturers will teach four courses per semester in first-year writing, effectivecommunication, and/or related areas of instruction.
Prerequisite Qualifications :
Candidatesshould have a Ph.D. or other advanced academic degree in writing studies,composition, rhetoric, professional and technical writing, English,communication, or a closely related field. Key criteria for selection willinclude experience teaching university-level writing, demonstrated expertise indelivering courses in effective communication and/or English languageproficiency, and evidence of success working with a diverse studentpopulation.
Bargaining Unit:
Special Instructions toApplicants:
Applicationpackages should include a letter outlining background and expertise, acurriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of three references. TheUniversity Lectureships are ten-month non-tenure track positions based in theDepartment of Humanities and Social Sciences, and additional opportunities mayexist to teach during the summer and winter terms. Questions can be directed tothe search committee chair, Dr. Calista McRae, at . The review ofapplications will begin on March 1 and continue until the positions are filled.
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