St Olaf College

Music Organizations Philharmonia Student Manager, III Job at St Olaf College in

St Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, United States

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Job Description

Job Title: St. Olaf Philharmonia Student Manager

Classification: Student Employee (non-exempt)

Name and Address of Employer: St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave, Northfield, MN 55057

If the position requires the student to work off campus, provide the name and address here:

Student works on campus and off-campus in multiple tour cities.

Department Name: Music Organizations

Unit Number (5 digits): 11756

Length of Position: See Employment Authorization

Contact Person/Supervisor: Associate Director of Music Organizations

Pay Rate (Check One) Standard Hourly Rate X Supervisory/Special Skills Hourly Rate

Description of the Position: (Purpose of the Position):

To assist Philharmonia with rehearsal and concert logistics.

Transferable Skills:
  • Communication
  • Attention to Detail
  • Organization
  • Responsibility
  • Anticipate problems
  • Troubleshooting
  • Collaboration
  • Motivate

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Set chairs, stands, and instruments for weekly rehearsals
  • Schedule and supervise student crews for on-campus dress rehearsals and performances
  • Supervise student crews for off-campus dress rehearsals and performances
  • Manage communication with Music Organizations staff, Music Department staff, conductor, and ensemble members
  • Drive the college-owned truck for on-campus performances
  • Assist with auditions as needed/directed by the conductor

Qualifications: (Education/Experience/Skills)
  • Strong leadership skills, including positivity, flexibility, and problem solving, respect for student colleagues, faculty, and staff
  • Knowledge of orchestral stage configurations
  • Knowledge of orchestral equipment and instruments
  • Knowledge of scheduling practices for truck transfers, stage set-ups and tear-downs, rehearsals, and performances
  • Knowledge of student crew organization
  • Active St. Olaf College Approved Driver
  • Ensemble management experience
  • Must commit to one year position regardless of ensemble placement
  • Preference given to rising juniors and seniors who intend to remain in St. Olaf Philharmonia for upcoming year

This job description is for general information purposes. It is not intended to list all duties and responsibilities of the position. This job description is subject to change at any time by St. Olaf College, with or without prior notice.