Espanola Schools

Educational Assistant Library/Media - Alcalde Job at Espanola Schools in Alcalde

Espanola Schools, Alcalde, NM, United States, 87511

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Must have or be able to attain a level III educational assistant license.

Requires 48 credit hours at a University or College or able to pass the Para Pro Exam.


Elementary School Educational Assistant Library


  1. High School Diploma
  2. Level III Educational Assistant Licence (PED)

Reports To:

The Principal



Job Goal:

To provide staff and students with a wide variety and range of library media that will encourage intellectual growth, and aid staff and students in acquiring the skills needed to become effective, lifetime library users.

Performance Responsibilities:

  1. Operates and supervises the library to which assigned.
  2. Understands and follows oral and written directives.
  3. Maintains open communication and cordial public relations with media, staff, teachers, administrators, sales representatives, parents, students, and others.
  4. Arranges frequently changing book fairs, storytime, audio-visual showing, library displays, bulletin boards, library promotional activities, and exhibits likely to interest library users.
  5. Oversees the general neatness and attractiveness of the library and its displays.
  6. Prepares and administers the library budget.
  7. Directs and assists in the production of media.
  8. Catalogs, maintains, and operates audio-visual hardware.
  9. Keeps library media and equipment in working order.
  10. Weeds obsolete and worn media from the collections.
  11. Makes repairs on library media, books, periodicals, audio-visual hardware.
  12. Takes the annual inventory of library media and prepares lists of missing library media to be discarded.
  13. Maintains current inventory of supplies.
  14. Operates the circulation desk and keeps circulation files.
  15. Monitors attendance in the library and keeps attendance records.
  16. Writes notices to homeroom teachers concerning overdue books, collects fines for such books, and maintains an accurate record of them.
  17. Evaluates, selects, and requisitions new library media.
  18. Assists teachers in the selection of books and other library media, and makes library media available to supplement the instructional program.
  19. Performs clerical routines necessary for the smooth operation of the library.
  20. Selects, types, and processes orders, reports, bibliographies, forms, library schedules, letters to publishers, catalog cards, and the like.
  21. Ensures that books and other media are selected according to need and suitability using recommended selection tools, maintains order files, receives processed media from the Library Media Processing Center and organizes them for use.
  22. Ensures that all media is properly shelved.
  23. Shelves incoming media and file cards received from the library media processing center.
  24. Prepares current magazines for shelving.
  25. Maintains files of catalog cards, vertical file materials, publishers' catalogs, shelf list cards, maps, pictures, and periodicals.
  26. Maintains the Library Media Processing Center’s system for cataloging all library materials, and instructs teachers and students on the use of the system.
  27. Reports to the library media processing center as directed by the Director of Instructional Services and/or the Library Services Coordinator to help process library media.
  28. Maintains a broad and adequate collection of materials, books, periodicals, newspapers, audio-visual aids, reference collection, professional collection, and southwest collection to meet the school's needs.
  29. Cooperates with the administration, faculty, and staff in the establishment of the library as an integral part of the total education program.
  30. Keeps informed and up-to-date on the trends and practices of library media.
  31. Participates in in-service workshops for library staff.
  32. Participates in library associations on the local and state level.
  33. Informs teachers and other staff members concerning new media the library acquires.
  34. Arranges for interlibrary loan of materials of interest or use to teachers.
  35. Readies books for reserve on teachers' requests, and maintains the reserve shelf.
  36. Distributes schedules for the use of the library and provides lists of materials of library media and equipment.
  37. Works with teachers in planning those assignments likely to lead to extended use of library resources.
  38. Provides library media orientation to students.
  39. Provides a sequential program of instruction in library skills in cooperation with the teaching staff to make the students independent users of the library.
  40. Promotes appropriate conduct of students using library facilities.
  41. Maintains proper student discipline.
  42. Assists individual students in locating reference materials and other library media.
  43. Assists students in making proper use of library media and equipment.
  44. Arouses students' interest in books and other media through planned activities such as book fairs, book talks, using the Reader’s Guide and other indexes.
  45. Helps students to develop habits of independent reference work, and to develop skills in the use of reference materials in relation to planned assignments.
  46. Reads to small groups of students and listens to individual students read.
  47. Provides reading, viewing, and listening guidance for students.
  48. Trains and supervises student media assistants in the performance of their duties.
  49. Performs other tasks that are required for the operation and maintenance of the library.
  50. Ten month year: two (2) weeks before the school year to be spent at the Library Media Processing Center checking in and approving purchase order payment. Two (2) weeks after the school year to be spent taking inventory at individual school libraries.

Terms of Employment:

Ten months per year. Salary and work year to be established by the board.


The performance of this job will be evaluated per provisions of the Board’s policy on the Evaluation of Personnel.
