
Research Copy Editor Job at IEEE in New York

IEEE, New York, NY, United States, 10261

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Content Summary: Research Copy Editor at New York, for IEEE

Job Summary
The Research Copy Editor is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of content published by IEEE Spectrum in print and online. Specifically, making sure that content is factual, original (not plagiarized), and cites credible sources.

Research Copy Editor receives assignments from the copy editors and editors of IEEE Spectrum magazine. Such assignments may include directives to:

  1. Fact-check content for publication;
  2. Copyedit content for publication;
  3. Produce data tables from various sources for research projects and/or interactive online calculators;
  4. Acquire background material relating to a specific topic of interest to an editor.

Key Responsibilities
  • Fact-checking content for publication 70%
    • Fact-check content for print and/or online publication on deadline as requested:
    • Verify proper names, locations, technical terms, acronyms, historical information, measurements, technical specifications, et cetera;
    • Check unit conversions and math for infographics and within articles;
    • Cross-check sources to verify accuracy;
    • Verify quotes.
    • Work closely with editors, art, and copydesk staff to come up with mutually agreeable solutions to assure factual accuracy.
  • Copyediting content for publication 25%
    • Read for consistent style, proper grammar, clarity, and logic, ensuring that all copy is free of errors.
    • Work with editor to correct lapses in logic or flaws in logical sequence in content.
    • Copyedit content according to Spectrum and other specified style guides.
    • Ensure consistent application of correct style across all content.
    • Ensure that typos, grammatical errors, and style violations do not appear in published pages or in online content.
    • Check captions and credits closely with illustrations or photographs to be used.
    • Review and enter editorial changes in Adobe InCopy for print magazine pages.
    • Review and enter editorial changes in Spectrum’s content management system for online articles.
  • Research as needed for editorial projects 5%
    • Research topics in support of staff-written articles.
    • Collect statistics and data for tables and interactive charts as requested by editors.
    • Provide research support for editors as requested, especially for special report topics under evaluation or in progress.
General Qualifications and Attributes
  • Strong attention to detail and analytical skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to work under tight deadlines without compromising quality.
  • Ability to problem-solve and work well independently.
  • Proficient in Google docs and Microsoft Word, particularly commenting and tracking changes.
  • Proficient in research and fact-checking techniques.
  • Ability to follow and use Spectrum’s workflow and relevant tools to move content as requested.
  • Proficient in Adobe InCopy or InDesign for entering changes on page proofs.
  • Experience with content management systems for online content copyediting.
  • Slack experience is a plus.
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience in English, communications, library science, or journalism (Required)
Work Experience
  • 4-7 years of experience in a journalism or publishing industry environment (Required)
Skills and Requirements
  • Adept at retrieving information quickly; must have persistence and speed with information retrieval, research, and tracking down sources. Must have the ability to follow leads to more promising source material.
  • Knowledge of electro-technology and its history is extremely useful.
  • Technologically savvy knowledge worker who seeks out technology solutions to business challenges.
  • Ability to speak to editors confidently in group settings.
  • Good written and verbal communication skills to convey fact-checking notes, queries, etc. to staff.
  • Strong attention to detail and analytical skills.
  • Ability to work under tight deadlines without compromising quality.
  • Ability to problem-solve and work well independently.
  • Proficient in Google docs and Microsoft Word, particularly commenting and tracking changes.
  • Proficient in research and fact-checking techniques.
  • Ability to follow and use Spectrum’s workflow and relevant tools to move content as requested.
  • Experience with content management systems for online content copyediting.
  • Slack experience is a plus.

Other Requirements:
As defined in IEEE Policies, individuals currently serving on an IEEE board or committee are not eligible to apply.

PLEASE NOTE: This position is not budgeted for employer-sponsored immigration support, this includes all persons in F (both CPT and OPT), J, H, L, or O status.

For information on work demands and conditions required for this position, please consult the reference document, "Physical, Mental, and Work Environment Standards for IEEE Positions." This position is classified under Category I - Office Positions
