Elite Travel Inc is hiring: School Credit Internship - Public Rel...
Elite Travel Inc - Cape Girardeau, MO, US, 63703
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Job Description
Elite Travel Inc is proud to offer a full educational experience for students who want to learn hands on the role of a public relations internship. This experience is for the interns educational experience soley. Once approved by your advisor please apply with your resume as well as your five learning goal for the internship as well as the amount of hours required . Most interns can expect to walk away with:
- Proficiency in Press Releases
- Using community involvement to forward the message of Goodwill by the Elite Travel Team
- Using sincere questioning and listening to build relationships and see how the Elite Travel Brand can better Cape Girardeau
- Build healthy relationships and partnership with local business to find win win product exchange
- Learn proper networking skills - Learning to network with a purpose which is to help others succeed yet sharing your Brand
- Use real life practice on various public relations experiences and report on the success and/or goals for future revisions.
- Investigate the Elite Travel Brand, Learn it's corporate culture and learn how to communicate with the community our value and expertise and benefits
Planningto be successful in public relations some skills are criticle like writing, research and communication. Elite Travel Inc is known for our visuals and storytelling. Here are a list of the best attributes we look for in our interns.
1. Teamwork to be able to talk to and work with people from across a wide variety of personalities, lifestyles. We prefer people who utilize and pull their strength from their Elite Travel Team
2. Composure - The ability to think before you speak, understand each word you say in public relations sends either a positive or negative branding message. The ability to stay calm seemed like a pretty important quality in a PR person.
Please include your availability - not your school schedule, but the hours you are available 7 days a week to be trained in public relations for school credit - Leadership - Are you a leader? In order to be a leader people have to want to follow you. Are you an influencer? What traits do you have which make people desire to follow, and listed to your advice or statements on a brand?
- Problem Solving Skills Many times in PR, you wont see an obvious solution to your challenge. You have to be creative about coming up with approaches that may work. Sometime it trial and error until you find the solution which sheds your brand in the best light.
4. Planning - Learning to manager a public relations calendar, deciding what event is most beneficial when you have double invites. How to prioritize and planning to plan. These are things to be learned by a public relations expert.
This position is for you the Intern's benefit not the benefit of Elite Travel inc. Please note
A. This is for educational purposes only - The internship resembles a training program we have for new employees, you will be given the opportunity to learn skills that will apply to the industry as a whole, instead of simply the skills necessary for Elite Travel Inc.
B. This program benefits you the intern more than Elite Travel Inc. You will directly benefit from the experience. You will be gaining skills, knowledge and experience to help you find work and succeed in your industry in the future.
C. A certification of achievement for your resume' as well as a letter of reference will be given for those who successfully complete the course.
D. Verify with your school on the procedure required and the hours requested for school credit
E. You are not replacing a regular employee or filling an open position at Elite Travel Inc.
F. Fact- the productivity of Elite Travel may be impeded as we utilize shadowing an employee, which will limit the work they will be able to do. A weekly report is required of the internship and the skill sets you learned
G. All Interns are to provide five (5) learning goals at the beginning of their internship as well as an exit report of how the program helped them accomplish their education.
H. Interns areNot guarantee a fixed position after the internship.
I. A successful completion of the internship for school credit does allow Interns to apply for any open positions available on the public job boards such as Indeed or opened via Onboarding LLC.