Teacher/Professional - Secondary - Animation Teacher
Grades 9-12
Job Number 0000760693
Start Date
Open Date 02/01/2025
Closing Date 05/04/2026
Provide students with appropriate learning activities and experiences designed to fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical and social growth. Enable students to develop competencies and skills to function successfully in society.
Education/Certification: Bachelor's degree from accredited university required
Valid Texas teaching certificate or eligible for alternative certification or local teaching permit
An assignment for Animation is allowed with one of the following certificates. Any business or office education certificate
Business and Finance: Grades 6-12
Business Education: Grades 6-12
Secondary Industrial Arts: Grades 6-12
Secondary Industrial Technology: Grades 6-12
Technology Applications: Early Childhood-Grade 12
Grades 8-12
Technology Education: Grades 6-12
Trade and Industrial Education: Grades 6-12 with appropriate work approval as identified on the certificate
Grades 8-12 with appropriate work approval as identified on the certificate
Vocational Trades and Industry with appropriate work approval as identified on the certificate
Arlington ISD local teaching permit. This assignment requires appropriate work approval. Provide documented work experience in animation per Arlington ISD guidelines for issuing a local teaching permit
E xperience: Provide documented work experience in animation per Arlington ISD guidelines for issuing a local teaching permit
Animation industry experience (preferred)
INSTRUCTIONAL MANAGEMENT Meet and instruct assigned classes in the locations and at the times designated
Develop and implement plans for the curriculum program assigned and show written evidence of preparation as required
Prepare lessons and adapt the curriculum for individual student differences
Establish clear objectives for all lessons and communicate objectives to students
Present the subject matter according to guidelines established by Texas Education Agency, board policies and administrative regulations
Employ a variety of instructional techniques and media consistent with the needs and capabilities of the student groups involved
Provide opportunities for students to participate actively and successfully
Evaluate and provide feedback on student progress during instruction
Manage allotted learning time to maximize student achievement
Knowledge of subjects' assigned, general knowledge of curriculum and instruction and good knowledge of child growth and development
Provide extended hour opportunities for students to obtain the minimum required hours and skills to sit for industry certification exams
SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION CLIMATE Cooperate with other members of the staff in planning and implementing instructional goals, objectives and methods in accordance with district requirements
Present for students a positive role model that supports the mission of the school district
Encourage students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior
Keep informed of and comply with state, district and school regulations and policies for classroom teachers
Attend and participate in faculty meetings and serve on staff committees as required.
SCHOOL/ORGANIZATIONAL IMPROVEMENT Demonstrate flexibility and willingness to adapt to changes in a regular school day
Assist in the selection of books, equipment and other instructional materials
ADMINISTRATION AND FISCAL/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect equipment, materials and facilities
Compile, maintain and file accurately and correctly all reports, records and other documents required
STUDENT MANAGEMENT Assist students in analyzing and improving methods and habits of study
Assess the accomplishments of students on a regular basis and provide progress and report cards as required
Maintain appropriate assessment evaluation documentation
Create a classroom environment conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interest of students
Establish a discipline management plan, maintain order in the classroom and administer discipline in accordance with board policies and administrative regulations
SCHOOL/COMMUNITY RELATIONS Assume responsibility for extracurricular activities as assigned and may volunteer to sponsor outside activities approved by the school
Establish and maintain open lines of communication with students and their parents concerning instructional expectations and student progress
Maintain a professional relationship with all colleagues, students, parents and community members
Promote the school in a positive manner within the school and community
Use acceptable communication skills to present information accurately and clearly to colleagues, students, parents and community
Provide opportunities for students to provide animation services to the school and community
Engage in cross curricular activities with other CTE content areas as appropriate to the curriculum
PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Participate in the district staff development program
Demonstrate interest and initiative in professional improvement
Participate in a principal approved externship with an industry partner
SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES Plan and supervise purposeful assignments for student teacher(s), educational assistant(s) and/or volunteer(s)
Administer standardized and other tests as required
Provide as much as possible, a safe environment to protect students
MISCELLANEOUS Employ the use of technologies in the teaching/learning process
Demonstrate human relations skills that are professional, ethical and responsible
Perform other duties as required
Work is located in a classroom environment. Must have ability to move from one location to another throughout the district
Ability to communicate (verbal and written), ability to instruct and ability to maintain emotional control under stress
NOTE: In order to minimize current campus disruption, current Teachers and Teacher Assistants may only apply to job postings if the position is a promotion. A promotion is defined by an increase in salary grade or incremental stipend. This does not apply if the transfer window is open.
Duty Days 192
Additional Job Information
This is a pooled position. It is open year round even if no current openings exist.
Pay Grade Teacher/Librarian
See details and apply
Arlington ISD is hiring: Animation Teacher 9-12 in Arlington