Library | Paraprofessional JW Eater Jr. High Job at Rantoul City ...
Rantoul City Schools District #137 - Rantoul, IL, United States, 61868
Work at Rantoul City Schools District #137
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Why choose RCS? Here are three reasons, just to get started...
Our Students. Once you meet them, you will love them!
Small Classes. We pride ourselves on our very small class sizes (15-20 per class).
Professional Support. Our schools have Instructional Coaches, Tech Integration Specialists, Reading and Math Specialists, Counselors and Social Workers__all to support you and your students.
District and Salary Information
Job Summary:
To assist the teacher in achieving teaching objectives by working with individual students, small groups, or whole classrooms to help students achieve the skill levels of the class as a whole. To provide a well--organized, smoothly functioning class environment in which students can take full advantage of the instructional program and available resource materials.
General Qualifications:
• Must have 60 hours college course credits or have passed a State approved testgranting Para-- professional certification.
• Possess strong communication skills (written and oral).
Staff member will effectively perform the following duties in a timely manner:
• Administer, score, and record such achievement and diagnostic tests as the teacher recommends for individual students.
• Work with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce learning of material or skills initially introduced by the teacher.
• Assist the teacher in devising special strategies for reinforcing material or skills based on a sympathetic understanding of individual students, their needs, interests, and abilities.
• Help students master equipment or instructional materials assigned by the teacher.
• Guide independent study, enrichment work, and remedial work set up and assigned by the teacher.
• Assist with the supervision of students during emergency drills, assemblies, play periods, and field trips.
• Assist with such large group activities as drill work, reading aloud, and story telling.
• Read to students, listen to students read, and participate in other forms of oral communication with students.
• Assist students in the library or media center.
• Check notebooks, correct papers, and supervise testing and make--up work as assigned by the teacher.
• Help students with their clothing.
• Assist with lunch, snack and clean--up routines.
• Assist with wash--up and toilet routines.
• Alert the regular teacher to any problem or special information about an individual student.
• Serve as the chief source of information and help to any substitute teacher assigned in the absence of the regular teacher.
• Maintain the same high level of ethical behavior and confidentiality of information about students as is expected of fully licensed teachers.
• Participate in inservice training programs as assigned.
• Other responsibilities as assigned by supervisor.
Mental Demands:
• Ability to communicate effectively with parents, students, teachers, administration and community members.
• Ability to maintain emotional control under stress.
• Ability to use e--mail and office equipment effectively.
• Ability to work with students individually or in group settings.
Working Conditions:
• Indoor classrooms/School exposure to: student noise, lawn mowing, music, odors of food, mowed grass and possible communicable diseases.
• Outdoor schoolyard and grounds, field trips: exposure to temperatures (hot, warm, cool & cold) and exposure to mowed grass.
• Regular work attendance.