Damco Solutions

Sr.UI Developer

Damco Solutions, Weehawken, New Jersey, United States,

UI Developer:• Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science is preferred;• Excellent verbal and written communication in English language.• 5+ professional years of experience with programming languages/frameworks:

ReactJS (



functional components )• Experience building SPAs and

Micro Frontend

architecture• Thorough understanding of


and its core principles• Experience with global store management (

Context API ,

Redux - RTK Query)• Strong proficiency in JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and the JavaScript object model• Familiarity with newer specifications of



ES6 ,

ES7... )• Strong TypeScript experience (at least 1 year in recent times);• Experience with

styled-components (CSS-IN-JS)• Knowledge of CSS preprocessors, like



LESS• Experience with common front-end development tools such as

Babel ,

Webpack ,

NPM , etc.• Familiarity with unit test and end-to-end libraries (

jest, RTL, Cypress, Nightwatch )• Familiarity with code versioning tools

(Git)• Familiarity with

RESTful APIs• Knowledge of modern authorization mechanisms, such as

JSON Web Token• Familiarity with modern front-end build pipelines and tools (

GitLab )• Translating designs and wireframes into high quality code•Good to know• Older javascript libraries (jQuery, ExtJS, Backbone.js)• Basic experience with

Node.js• Basic knowledge in Azure Cloud• Basic knowledge in database technologies (NoSQL)