
Sr UI Software Engineer

Fiatech, New York, New York, us, 10261


UI Sr Software Engineer - Remote/Hybrid (report to an office once a month in tandem with your team)

Locations: Tampa, Washington D.C., or



About Us:FIA Tech is a dynamic and growing Software-as-a-Service technology company which supports over 8,000 global finance and trading firms. Our systems solve the most pressing operational and technological challenges for participants including buyside firms, end users, Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs), introducing brokers, and market makers. Our mission is to bring much needed innovation, standardization, and technology to derivatives trading and clearing to streamline costs, increase efficiency, and reduce risks.


Development & Maintenance: Actively participate in the development and upkeep of our React-based web application.UI/UX: Ensure the technical feasibility and optimal performance of UI/UX designs.State Management: Implement and maintain state management strategies, showcasing knowledge in diverse state management patterns and solutions.Data Integration: Integrate frontend applications with backend services using REST and gRPC.Testing: Implement comprehensive testing strategies using Vitest and react-testing-library.Team Collaboration: Work with cross-functional teams to design, implement, and enhance new features.Component Development: Use Storybook or comparable tools for component-driven development and documentation.Styling: Employ SCSS for consistent component styling and visual representation.Deployment: Handle the deployment of applications on platforms like Azure and AWS with the help of Docker.Continuous Learning: Stay updated and integrate modern technologies and practices into our development workflow.Qualifications:

TypeScript: Mastery in TypeScript is non-negotiable.React Proficiency: A significant amount of experience with React.State Management: Proficiency in state management solutions. Familiarity with Recoil or Jotai is a plus, but we value candidates well-versed in various state management libraries or patterns.Data Fetching: Understanding of REST protocols for data fetching, with extra points for expertise in gRPC, data streaming (e.g., WebSockets), or other unconventional data-fetching methods.Build Systems: Experience with Vite, or a varied background in different build systems such as Webpack, Snowpack, Esbuild, Next, Remix, CRA, Gatsby, and more.Component Libraries: Acquaintance with Radix Primitives or other comparable headless component libraries.UNIX Basics: A foundational understanding of UNIX and shell scripting is a notable advantage.Problem Solving: Robust problem-solving capabilities and an acute attention to detail.Salary Range: 140K - 155K bonus eligible