Pear VC

Product designer

Pear VC, San Francisco, California, United States, 94199

Everyone hates surveys. They're tedious to fill out and give shallow data. That's because they're only a proxy for the real thing: conversations. Through a conversation, you can ask follow-up questions and get deep insights in a way that's fun for the interviewee. Except you can't have 1:1 conversations with everyone...

Listen Labs has built an AI interviewer that can ask follow-up questions, like a conversation, but at the scale and ease of use of a survey.

Eng team includes:

Three IOI medallists Senior Staff engineer Previous companies are from Jane Street, Tesla Autopilot, Affirm Investors

There's been $30B+ of market cap created from bringing surveys online. Our partner at Sequoia, Bryan Schreier, was the first investor in Qualtrics - the $12B survey company.