Ascend Learning

Senior User Experience Designer

Ascend Learning, Burlington, Massachusetts, us, 01805

We Impact Lives Through Purpose-Driven Work in A People First Culture

Have you got what it takes to succeed The following information should be read carefully by all candidates.

Ascend Learning is the connection between a powerful portfolio of brands serving students, educators, and employers with outcomes-based, data driven solutions across the lifecycle of learning.

Our values-driven culture unifies our teams and inspires a mindset of action, innovation, and collaboration, with a relentless focus on customers.

We're always looking for talented, passionate professionals to join us in our mission to help change lives. If this sounds like an environment where you'd thrive, read on to learn more.

Our Innovation & Design team is excited to be exploring the ways that technologies such as generative AI and XR can be tapped to improve learning for our customers. We’re looking for a creative designer to join our team and collaborate to design products that deliver cutting edge learning experiences. In the position of Sr. User Experience Designer, you will lead design for complex initiatives, executing and overseeing all aspects of research and design work for that area.


This position can work a hybrid schedule from one of our Ascend Learning office locations: Burlington, MA-Leawood, KS-Minneapolis, MN-Gilbert, AZ. Fully remote will also be considered within the continental United States.

How You’ll Spend Your Time

Identify and understand problems and opportunities in collaboration with product leadership and determine the right UX activities for various types of projects.Plan and manage cross-disciplinary teams of designers to execute all aspects of the design process from strategy to detailed design and implementation using strong coaching, communication, and facilitation skills to interface successfully with users, business stakeholders, engineers and leadership.Plan and execute design research. Synthesize qualitative research finding and user behavior analytics data to derive insights that inform product design and optimize usability.Use creative skills to conceive and visualize elegant solutions through concepts that are desirable and technically feasible using design tools including workflows, personas, journey maps, wireframes and interactive prototypes.

What You'll Need

5+ years of experience designing and bringing new products to market in a UX, product design, product management capacity, or similar.Experience executing and leading user-centered design process.Demonstrated experience conducting user research, applying critical thinking to synthesize findings and iterating through concept designs to solve complex problems.Extensive demonstrated experience applying user-centered design process to understand problems, identify high-value priorities and iterate design concepts using design tools, processes and deliverables such as workflows, personas, journey maps, wireframes, interactive design prototypes.Demonstrated experience conducting user research, synthesizing findings and communicating relevant insights.Ability to understand new product opportunities, develop an informed perspective on the right design approach and scope the right design level and type of work to meet the project needs.Demonstrated strong skills in conceiving design solutions and visualizing concepts. Visual design skills and applied experience are a plus.Approaches design process with open curiosity about customer needs and seeks sources of fresh inspiration to fuel creativity and ideation.Applies strong communication, facilitation, critical thinking and collaboration skills to gain consensus and overcome barriers in a collaborative design process.Bachelor’s degree in related field preferred, equivalent experience will be considered.


Flexible and generous paid time offCompetitive medical, dental, vision and life insurance401(k) employer matching programParental leaveWellness resourcesCharitable matching programHybrid workOn-site workout facilities (Leawood, Gilbert, Burlington)Community outreach groupsTuition reimbursement

Fostering A Sense of Belonging

We seek out and celebrate all people and perspectives and cultivate an inclusive culture where everyone can thrive, feel valued and be their authentic selves. Our culture is firmly rooted in the belief that by embracing our differences and drawing on diverse perspectives, we are a stronger, more innovative, and more successful organization where employees experience a sense of belonging.

About Ascend Learning

As a tech-enabled services company, Ascend Learning is a national leader in developing and delivering data-driven online educational content, software, assessments, analytics, and simulations serving institutions, students and employers across healthcare, fitness and wellness, public and workplace safety, skilled trades, insurance, financial services, cybersecurity, and higher education. We're committed to accelerating the learning pathways that can move people into careers where they have the knowledge and skills to have an impact and help change lives in the communities they serve. Headquartered in Burlington, MA with additional office locations and hybrid and remote workers in cities across the U.S., Ascend Learning was recognized by Newsweek and Plant-A Insights Group as one of America's 2023 Greatest Workplaces for Diversity.

Ascend Learning, LLC is proud to be an equal opportunity employer (M/F/Vets/Disabled). No agency or search firm submissions will be accepted. Applications for U.S. based positions with Ascend Learning, LLC must be legally authorized to work in the United States and verification of employment eligibility will be required at the time of hire.
