Rare Genomics Institute

Medical/Scientific Content Developer

Rare Genomics Institute, Washington, District of Columbia, us, 20022

Work remotely with talented peers on a rewarding, nonprofit program as part of Rare Genomics Institute’s RareShare team. Use online generative Artificial Intelligence tools to prepare disease-specific informational summaries for RareShare’s web-based disease communities. Content Developers will work independently to review, assess and edit AI-generated data for scientific accuracy and readability by a non-expert audience. On occasion, there will be opportunities to help produce RareShare podcasts and newsletters. Learn about the science behind the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases and help disseminate this information to those who need it.As a RG Volunteer,

you will be a part of the organization’s scientific educational efforts that works with the patients, families, the scientific community, care providers and disease-specific organizations to provide current, accurate information that can be shared online.Position Responsibilities:The Medical/Science Content Developer works with members of the RareShare team to prepare and review rare disease informational content for the website and other venues.Attend bi-weekly conference call meetings and work with the team to plan and execute specific activities.Potentially enlist and manage other volunteers such as student interns who can assist in the team’s work.Support the overall efforts of the Rare Genomics Institute and its RareShare team.Desired Skills and Experience:Bachelor’s or higher degree in life sciences or biomedical field.Ability to interpret, critically assess and validate the accuracy of complex rare disease scientific and medical information.Strong writing, editing, reviewing and verbal communication skills.Proficient computer skills in the utilization of generative AI tools and writing software.Reliable 5-10 hour commitment each week.Ability to work both collaboratively and independently to achieve stated goals.